物理学的ニューラルネットワークの壁を破るトレーニングアルゴリズムが開発される(Training algorithm breaks barriers to deep physical neural networks)


2023-12-08 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

物理学的ニューラルネットワークの壁を破るトレーニングアルゴリズムが開発される(Training algorithm breaks barriers to deep physical neural networks)AI-generated (DALL-E 3) conceptual image depicting light waves passing through a physical system. © 2023 EPFL/LWE CC-BY-SA 4.0



物理ニューラルネットワークのバックプロパゲーション不要トレーニング Backpropagation-free training of deep physical neural networks

Ali Momeni,Babak Rahmani,Matthieu Malléjac,Philipp del Hougne,and Romain Fleury
Science  Published:23 Nov 2023


Recent successes in deep learning for vision and natural language processing are attributed to larger models but come with energy consumption and scalability issues. Current training of digital deep learning models primarily relies on backpropagation that is unsuitable for physical implementation. Here, we proposed a simple deep neural network architecture augmented by a physical local learning (PhyLL) algorithm, enabling supervised and unsupervised training of deep physical neural networks, without detailed knowledge of the nonlinear physical layer’s properties. We trained diverse wave-based physical neural networks in vowel and image classification experiments, showcasing our approach’s universality. Our method shows advantages over other hardware-aware training schemes by improving training speed, enhancing robustness, and reducing power consumption by eliminating the need for system modelling and thus decreasing digital computation.
