フルイド・リアリティ・ハプティック・グローブがVRに超高感度タッチをもたらす(Fluid Reality Haptic Gloves Bring Ultra-Sensitive Touch to VR)


2024-04-04 カーネギーメロン大学

フルイド・リアリティ・ハプティック・グローブがVRに超高感度タッチをもたらす(Fluid Reality Haptic Gloves Bring Ultra-Sensitive Touch to VR)Researchers in the Future Interfaces Group have developed a lightweight, low-cost haptic glove, called Fluid Reality, that delivers detailed touch in virtual reality.

カーネギーメロン大学の研究者が開発したFluid Realityは、軽量で低コストの触覚手袋で、仮想現実で詳細な触覚を提供します。手袋は、32個の圧力アクチュエーターを備えた指先アレイを使用し、ユーザーが仮想空間でさまざまな感覚を体験できます。この装置は、手首に収まるサイズで、数百ドルで製造されると推定されています。


フルイド・リアリティ:電気浸透圧ポンプ・アレイを使用した高解像度の非テザー・ハプティック・グローブ Fluid Reality: High-Resolution, Untethered Haptic Gloves using Electroosmotic Pump Arrays

UIST ’23: Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology  Published:29 October 2023


Virtual and augmented reality headsets are making significant progress in audio-visual immersion and consumer adoption. However, their haptic immersion remains low, due in part to the limitations of vibrotactile actuators which dominate the AR/VR market. In this work, we present a new approach to create high-resolution shape-changing fingerpad arrays with 20 haptic pixels/cm2. Unlike prior pneumatic approaches, our actuators are low-profile (5mm thick), low-power (approximately 10mW/pixel), and entirely self-contained, with no tubing or wires running to external infrastructure. We show how multiple actuator arrays can be built into a five-finger, 160-actuator haptic glove that is untethered, lightweight (207g, including all drive electronics and battery), and has the potential to reach consumer price points at volume production. We describe the results from a technical performance evaluation and a suite of eight user studies, quantifying the diverse capabilities of our system. This includes recognition of object properties such as complex contact geometry, texture, and compliance, as well as expressive spatiotemporal effects.
