百年に一度の嵐?それは土星でどれくらい続くかだ。(Hundred-year storms? That’s how long they last on Saturn.)


2023-08-11 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UCB)



土星の巨大な嵐の長く続く深い影響 Long-lasting, deep effect of Saturn’s giant storms

Cheng Li,Imke de Pater,Chris Moeckel,R. J. Sault,Bryan Butler,David deBoer, and Zhimeng Zhang
Science Advances  Published:11 Aug 2023

百年に一度の嵐?それは土星でどれくらい続くかだ。(Hundred-year storms? That’s how long they last on Saturn.)


Planetary-scale giant storms erupt on Saturn quasiperiodically. There have been at least six recorded occurrences of past eruptions, and the most recent one was in 2010, with its whole life span captured by the Cassini mission. In 2015, we used the Very Large Array to probe the deep response of Saturn’s troposphere to the giant storms. In addition to the remnant effect of the storm in 2010, we have found long-lasting signatures of all mid-latitude giant storms, a mixture of equatorial storms up to hundreds of years old, and potentially an unreported older storm at 70°N. We derive an ammonia anomaly map that shows an extended meridional migration of the storm’s aftermath and vertical transport of ammonia vapor by storm dynamics. Intriguingly, the last storm in 2010 splits into two distinct components that propagate in opposite meridional directions, leaving a gap at 43°N planetographic latitude.
