グルメか模造品か?食品偽装を見破る新手法(Gourmet or imitation? New technique ferrets out food fraud)


2023-08-02 パデュー大学



ポータブルレーザー誘起ブレークダウン分光システムを用いた迅速な食品認証 Rapid Food Authentication Using a Portable Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System

Xi Wu,Sungho Shin,Carmen Gondhalekar,Valery Patsekin,Euiwon Bae,J. Paul Robinson andBartek Rajwa
Foods  Published: 14 January 2023

グルメか模造品か?食品偽装を見破る新手法(Gourmet or imitation? New technique ferrets out food fraud)


Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is an atomic-emission spectroscopy technique that employs a focused laser beam to produce microplasma. Although LIBS was designed for applications in the field of materials science, it has lately been proposed as a method for the compositional analysis of agricultural goods. We deployed commercial handheld LIBS equipment to illustrate the performance of this promising optical technology in the context of food authentication, as the growing incidence of food fraud necessitates the development of novel portable methods for detection. We focused on regional agricultural commodities such as European Alpine-style cheeses, coffee, spices, balsamic vinegar, and vanilla extracts. Liquid examples, including seven balsamic vinegar products and six representatives of vanilla extract, were measured on a nitrocellulose membrane. No sample preparation was required for solid foods, which consisted of seven brands of coffee beans, sixteen varieties of Alpine-style cheeses, and eight different spices. The pre-processed and standardized LIBS spectra were used to train and test the elastic net-regularized multinomial classifier. The performance of the portable and benchtop LIBS systems was compared and described. The results indicate that field-deployable, portable LIBS devices provide a robust, accurate, and simpl
