X線ビームは、研究者が古い金属から新しいトリックを学ぶのに役立ちます。(X-ray beams help researchers learn new tricks from old metals)


2023-05-08 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)

◆アルゴンヌ国立研究所のHoydoo You上級物理学者は、「効率的な水素の生産が鍵であり、プラチナ及びその合金は、電子の交換を促進することで、水分解プロセスを最も促進することができる」と述べた。


局所的に分極したPt結晶粒の電気化学的歪みのオペランド・ナノスケールイメージング Operando Nanoscale Imaging of Electrochemically Induced Strain in a Locally Polarized Pt Grain

Dina Sheyfer, Ruperto G. Mariano, Tomoya Kawaguchi, Wonsuk Cha, Ross J. Harder, Matthew W. Kanan, Stephan O. Hruszkewycz, Hoydoo You and Matthew J. Highland
Nano Letters  Published:December 21, 2022

X線ビームは、研究者が古い金属から新しいトリックを学ぶのに役立ちます。(X-ray beams help researchers learn new tricks from old metals)


Developing new methods that reveal the structure of electrode materials under polarization is key to constructing robust structure–property relationships. However, many existing methods lack the spatial resolution in structural changes and fidelity to electrochemical operating conditions that are needed to probe catalytically relevant structures. Here, we combine a nanopipette electrochemical cell with three-dimensional X-ray Bragg coherent diffractive imaging to study how strain in a single Pt grain evolves in response to applied potential. During polarization, marked changes in surface strain arise from the Coulombic attraction between the surface charge on the electrode and the electrolyte ions in the electrochemical double layers, while the strain in the bulk of the crystal remains unchanged. The concurrent surface redox reactions have a strong influence on the magnitude and nature of the strain changes under polarization. Our studies provide a powerful blueprint to understand how structural evolution influences electrochemical performance at the nanoscale.
