携帯電話用電池をサビから守る発明で、リサイクル可能な携帯電話用電池に一歩近づく(Recyclable mobile phone batteries a step closer with rust-busting invention)


RMIT大学のエンジニアが主導する技術革新により、現在の技術より3倍も長い寿命を持つ携帯電話用バッテリーが現実のものとなる可能性があります。 Mobile phone batteries with a lifetime up to three times longer than today’s technology could be a reality thanks to an innovation led by engineers at RMIT University.

2023-01-25 ロイヤルメルボルン工科大学(RMIT)

◆研究チームは、MXeneと呼ばれるナノ材料に取り組んでいる。この材料は、将来、電池のリチウムに代わる刺激的な材料になることが期待されるという。化学工学特別教授で主任研究員のLeslie Yeo氏は、MXeneは高い電気伝導性を持つグラフェンに類似していると述べました。「グラフェンとは異なり、MXeneは高度に調整可能で、将来的にあらゆる技術的な応用の可能性を広げます」とRMITの工学部のYeoは述べています。
◆この研究は、『Nature Communications』に掲載された。


ナノスケール高周波電気機械振動による酸化した二次元MXenの回復 Recovery of oxidized two-dimensional MXenes through high frequency nanoscale electromechanical vibration

Heba Ahmed,Hossein Alijani,Ahmed El-Ghazaly,Joseph Halim,Billy J. Murdoch,Yemima Ehrnst,Emily Massahud,Amgad R. Rezk,Johanna Rosen & Leslie Y. Yeo
Nature Communications  Published:03 January 2023

携帯電話用電池をサビから守る発明で、リサイクル可能な携帯電話用電池に一歩近づく(Recyclable mobile phone batteries a step closer with rust-busting invention)


MXenes hold immense potential given their superior electrical properties. The practical adoption of these promising materials is, however, severely constrained by their oxidative susceptibility, leading to significant performance deterioration and lifespan limitations. Attempts to preserve MXenes have been limited, and it has not been possible thus far to reverse the material’s performance. In this work, we show that subjecting oxidized micron or nanometer thickness dry MXene films—even those constructed from nanometer-order solution-dispersed oxidized flakes—to just one minute of 10 MHz nanoscale electromechanical vibration leads to considerable removal of its surface oxide layer, whilst preserving its structure and characteristics. Importantly, electrochemical performance is recovered close to that of their original state: the pseudocapacitance, which decreased by almost 50% due to its oxidation, reverses to approximately 98% of its original value, with good capacitance retention ( ≈ 93%) following 10,000 charge–discharge cycles at 10 A g−1. These promising results allude to the exciting possibility for rejuvenating the material for reuse, therefore offering a more economical and sustainable route that improves its potential for practical translation.
