量子アニーリングは限られたケースで古典的コンピューティングを打ち負かすことができる(Quantum annealing can beat classical computing in limited cases)


量子アニーリング計算機のアルゴリズムは、ほとんどの条件下で、量子的な高速化をもたらさないことが新たに証明された Under most conditions, according to a new proof, algorithms on a quantum annealing computer dont offer quantum speedup

2022-08-16 アメリカ・ロスアラモス国立研究所(LANL)

最近の研究により、特定の条件下では、量子アニーリング計算機が古典計算機よりもアルゴリズム(よく知られたショールのアルゴリズムも含む)を高速に実行できることが証明されました。しかし、Nature Communications誌の研究によると、時間が限られている場合、ほとんどの場合、量子アニーリングは古典的コンピューティングに比べてスピードアップを実現しません。


任意イジングスピンハミルトニアンに対する非断熱量子アニーリング法の解析的解法 Analytical solution for nonadiabatic quantum annealing to arbitrary Ising spin Hamiltonian

Bin Yan & Nikolai A. Sinitsyn
Nature Communications  Published:25 April 2022

量子アニーリングは限られたケースで古典的コンピューティングを打ち負かすことができる(Quantum annealing can beat classical computing in limited cases)
Left: histogram of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian HI(2) with Gaussian distribution of all coefficients a{k}. Middle: time evolution of the spectrum of the transverse field Hamiltonian H0MHM0(17) with quench schedule g(t) = g/t, where g = 4. (Thicker curves correspond to the higher density of states). The vertical line marks the annealing time τa(18), for which the gap between the ground state and the highest density point in the spectrum equals the bandwidth ΔEI (full width at half maximum) of the spectrum of HI. Right: time evolution of the (normalized to 1) excitations n¯n/((N1)/2)n¯≡⟨n⟩/((N−1)/2) for different QA protocols at g = 4 of N = 12 spins. These protocols are tuned to have the same annealing time τa as summarized in Table 1. The colored vertical lines mark the corresponding times at which the excitations reach the halfway into their saturation, which verifies almost the same effective annealing rate for the protocols with the same τa.


Ising spin Hamiltonians are often used to encode a computational problem in their ground states. Quantum Annealing (QA) computing searches for such a state by implementing a slow time-dependent evolution from an easy-to-prepare initial state to a low energy state of a target Ising Hamiltonian of quantum spins, HI. Here, we point to the existence of an analytical solution for such a problem for an arbitrary HI beyond the adiabatic limit for QA. This solution provides insights into the accuracy of nonadiabatic computations. Our QA protocol in the pseudo-adiabatic regime leads to a monotonic power-law suppression of nonadiabatic excitations with time T of QA, without any signature of a transition to a glass phase, which is usually characterized by a logarithmic energy relaxation. This behavior suggests that the energy relaxation can differ in classical and quantum spin glasses strongly, when it is assisted by external time-dependent fields. In specific cases of HI, the solution also shows a considerable quantum speedup in computations.
