ブルー・ブレイン、数学でニューロンを構築(Blue Brain builds neurons with mathematics)


2022-04-06 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

・EPFLのBlue Brain Projectは、数学のみを用いて神経細胞を自動的に3Dで描画する方法を発見しました。
・数学の一分野である代数的位相幾何学を用いて、わずか数例でユニークな細胞を大量に生成するアルゴリズムを開発しました。このアルゴリズム(TNS:Topological Neuronal Synthesis)を用いると、数百万個のユニークな神経細胞の形態を効率的に合成することができる。


大脳皮質樹状突起の形態の計算機合成 Computational synthesis of cortical dendritic morphologies

Lida Kanari,Hugo Dictus,Athanassia Chalimourda,Julian Shillcock,Kathryn Hess,Henry Markram,Show all authors,Show footnotes
Cell Reports Published:APRIL 05, 2022

ブルー・ブレイン、数学でニューロンを構築(Blue Brain builds neurons with mathematics)


Neuronal morphologies provide the foundation for the electrical behavior of neurons, the connectomes they form, and the dynamical properties of the brain. Comprehensive neuron models are essential for defining cell types, discerning their functional roles, and investigating brain-disease-related dendritic alterations. However, a lack of understanding of the principles underlying neuron morphologies has hindered attempts to computationally synthesize morphologies for decades. We introduce a synthesis algorithm based on a topological descriptor of neurons, which enables the rapid digital reconstruction of entire brain regions from few reference cells. This topology-guided synthesis generates dendrites that are statistically similar to biological reconstructions in terms of morpho-electrical and connectivity properties and offers a significant opportunity to investigate the links between neuronal morphology and brain function across different spatiotemporal scales. Synthesized cortical networks based on structurally altered dendrites associated with diverse brain pathologies revealed principles linking branching properties to the structure of large-scale networks.
