宇宙の膨張速度を世界で初めて測定し、物理学と天文学の長年の論争に一石を投じる(First-of-its-kind measurement of the Universe’s expansion rate weighs in on a longstanding debate in physics and astronomy)


2023-05-11 ミネソタ大学

◆天文学では、”ハッブル定数 “とも呼ばれる宇宙の膨張を正確に測定する方法が2つあります。一つは近傍の超新星を観測して算出したもので、もう一つはビッグバン直後に宇宙を自由に流れ始めた放射線である「宇宙マイクロ波背景」を用いたものです。しかし、この2つの測定値は10%ほど異なっており、物理学者や天文学者の間で広く議論を呼んでいる。
◆ミネソタ大学ツインシティ校の研究者が率いるチームは、拡大・多重撮影された超新星のデータにより、これまでにない手法で宇宙の膨張率を測定することに成功しました。このデータは、この分野で長年議論されてきた宇宙の年齢をより正確に決定し、宇宙をよりよく理解するのに役立つと考えられます。本研究は2つの論文に分かれており、「Science」と、「The Astrophysical Journal」に掲載されています。
◆研究チームは、2014年と2015年の画像が出現するまでの時間差を利用して、ノルウェーの天文学者Sjur Refsdalが1964年に開発した、これまで実践することが不可能だった理論を用いてハッブル定数を測定することが可能となりました。


超新星Refsdalの再出現によるハッブル定数の制約 Constraints on the Hubble constant from Supernova Refsdal’s reappearance

Patrick L. Kelly,Steven Rodney,Tommaso Treu,Masamune Oguri ,Wenlei Chen,Adi Zitrin,Simon Birrer,Vivien Bonvin,Luc Dessart,Jose M. Diego,Alexei V. Filippenko,Ryan J. Foley,Daniel Gilman,Jens Hjorth,Mathilde Jauzac,Kaisey Mandel,Martin Millon,Justin Pierel,Keren Sharon,Stephen Thorp,Liliya Williams,Tom Broadhurst,Alan Dressler,Or Graur,Saurabh Jha,Curtis McCully,Marc Postman,Kasper Borello Schmidt,Brad E. Tucker and Anja von der Linden
Science  Published:11 May 2023


The gravitationally lensed Supernova Refsdal appeared in multiple images, produced through gravitational lensing by a massive foreground galaxy cluster. After the supernova appeared in 2014, lens models of the galaxy cluster predicted an additional image of the supernova would appear in 2015, which was subsequently observed. We use the time delays between the images to perform a blinded measurement of the expansion rate of the Universe, quantified by the Hubble constant (H0). Using eight cluster lens models, we infer H0=64.8+4.4−4.3 km s−1 Mpc−1, where Mpc is the megaparsec. Using the two models most consistent with the observations, we find H0=66.6+4.1−3.3 km s−1 Mpc−1. The observations are best reproduced by models that assign dark-matter halos to individual galaxies and the overall cluster.

超新星レフスダルの壮大な5つの画像: 時間遅れの測定と倍率の測定 The Magnificent Five Images of Supernova Refsdal: Time Delay and Magnification Measurements

Patrick L. Kelly, Steven Rodney, Tommaso Treu, Simon Birrer, Vivien Bonvin, Luc Dessart, Ryan J. Foley, Alexei V. Filippenko, Daniel Gilman, Saurabh Jha, Jens Hjorth, Kaisey Mandel, Martin Millon, Justin Pierel, Stephen Thorp, Adi Zitrin, Tom Broadhurst, Wenlei Chen, Jose M. Diego, Alan Dressler, Or Graur, Mathilde Jauzac, Matthew A. Malkan, Curtis McCully, Masamune Oguri, Marc Postman, Kasper Borello Schmidt, Keren Sharon, Brad E. Tucker, Anja von der Linden and Joachim Wambsganss
The Astrophysical Journal  Published 2023 May 11
DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ac4ccb

宇宙の膨張速度を世界で初めて測定し、物理学と天文学の長年の論争に一石を投じる(First-of-its-kind measurement of the Universe’s expansion rate weighs in on a longstanding debate in physics and astronomy)


In late 2014, four images of supernova (SN) “Refsdal,” the first known example of a strongly lensed SN with multiple resolved images, were detected in the MACS J1149 galaxy-cluster field. Following the images’ discovery, the SN was predicted to reappear within hundreds of days at a new position ∼8” away in the field. The observed reappearance in late 2015 makes it possible to carry out Refsdal’s original proposal to use a multiply imaged SN to measure the Hubble constant H0, since the time delay between appearances should vary inversely with H0. Moreover, the position, brightness, and timing of the reappearance enable a novel test of the blind predictions of galaxy-cluster models, which are typically constrained only by the positions of multiply imaged galaxies. We have developed a new photometry pipeline that uses DOLPHOT to measure the fluxes of the five images of SN Refsdal from difference images. We apply four separate techniques to perform a blind measurement of the relative time delays and magnification ratios between the last image SX and the earlier images S1–S4. We measure the relative time delay of SX–S1 to be (376.0+5.6to-5.5)  days and the relative magnification to be( 0.30+0.5to-0.3). This corresponds to a 1.5% precision on the time delay and 17% precision for the magnification ratios and includes uncertainties due to millilensing and microlensing. In an accompanying paper, we place initial and blind constraints on the value of the Hubble constant.
