あなたのスマホがあなたをスパイしているとき、こんなことが起こっています。(This is What Happens When Your Phone is Spying on You)


スマートフォンのスパイウェアアプリは検出・削除が困難であることが調査で明らかになった Study reveals smartphone spyware apps are hard to detect and remove

2023-03-13 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)

Picture of a smartphone with an app request access to various dataIllustration by David Baillot/University of California San Diego

Google Playストアではスパイウェアアプリの販売は認められていませんが、AndroidフォンではWebからダウンロードできる。対照的に、iPhone はそのような「サイド ローディング」を許可しないため、スパイウェアアプリはより制限されたものであり、能力が低くなる傾向があります。


No Privacy Among Spies(スパイにプライバシーはない):消費者向けアンドロイドスパイウェアアプリの機能性と安全性の評価 No Privacy Among Spies: Assessing the Functionality and Insecurity of Consumer Android Spyware Apps

Enze Liu, Sumanth Rao, Sam Havron, Grant Ho, Stefan Savage, Geoffrey M. Voelker, Damon McCoy
Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium in summer 2023 in Zurich, Switzerland


Consumer mobile spyware apps covertly monitor a user’s activities (i.e., text messages, phone calls, e-mail, location, etc.) and transmit that information over the Internet to support remote surveillance. Unlike conceptually similar apps used for state espionage, so-called “stalkerware” apps are mass-marketed to consumers on a retail basis and expose a far broader range of victims to invasive monitoring. Today the market for such apps is large enough to support dozens of competitors, with individual vendors reportedly monitoring hundreds of thousands of phones. However, while the research community is well aware of the existence of such apps, our understanding of the mechanisms they use to operate remains ad hoc. In this work, we perform an in-depth technical analysis of 14 distinct leading mobile spyware apps targeting Android phones. We document the range of mechanisms used to monitor user activity of various kinds (e.g., photos, text messages, live microphone access) — primarily through the creative abuse of Android APIs. We also discover previously undocumented methods these apps use to hide from detection and to achieve persistence. Additionally, we document the measures taken by each app to protect the privacy of the sensitive data they collect, identifying a range of failings on the part of spyware vendors (including privacy-sensitive data sent in the clear or stored in the cloud with little or no protection).

