人工知能が核物質研究を見直す(Artificial intelligence reframes nuclear material studies)


コンピュータビジョンが科学実験のビデオ録画の価値を向上させる Computer vision expands the value of video recording science experiments

2023-02-16 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)

◆エネルギー省(DOE)アルゴンヌ国立研究所の核物質グループの主任材料科学者であるWei-Ying Chen氏は、人工知能(AI)の進歩を利用して、この状況を変えようとしています。最近発表された研究で詳述されているように、彼が動画からデータを抽出するために使用している深層学習ベースの多物体追跡(MOT)アルゴリズムは、米国が先進的な原子炉の設計を改善するのに役立つことを目的としています。その結果、原子力が近代化されれば、有害な温室効果ガスを放出することなく、安全で信頼できる電力をよりよく生産できるようになります。


DefectTrack: ディープラーニングを用いたマルチオブジェクト追跡アルゴリズムによるin-situ TEMビデオのリアルタイム定量欠陥分析 DefectTrack: a deep learning-based multi-object tracking algorithm for quantitative defect analysis of in-situ TEM videos in real-time

Rajat Sainju,Wei-Ying Chen,Samuel Schaefer,Qian Yang,Caiwen Ding,Meimei Li & Yuanyuan Zhu
Scientific Reports  Published:20 September 2022

人工知能が核物質研究を見直す(Artificial intelligence reframes nuclear material studies)


In-situ irradiation transmission electron microscopy (TEM) offers unique insights into the millisecond-timescale post-cascade process, such as the lifetime and thermal stability of defect clusters, vital to the mechanistic understanding of irradiation damage in nuclear materials. Converting in-situ irradiation TEM video data into meaningful information on defect cluster dynamic properties (e.g., lifetime) has become the major technical bottleneck. Here, we present a solution called the DefectTrack, the first dedicated deep learning-based one-shot multi-object tracking (MOT) model capable of tracking cascade-induced defect clusters in in-situ TEM videos in real-time. DefectTrack has achieved a Multi-Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) of 66.43% and a Mostly Tracked (MT) of 67.81% on the test set, which are comparable to state-of-the-art MOT algorithms. We discuss the MOT framework, model selection, training, and evaluation strategies for in-situ TEM applications. Further, we compare the DefectTrack with four human experts in quantifying defect cluster lifetime distributions using statistical tests and discuss the relationship between the material science domain metrics and MOT metrics. Our statistical evaluations on the defect lifetime distribution suggest that the DefectTrack outperforms human experts in accuracy and speed.
