バッテリーイノベーションのための中心的なデータハブ、バッテリーデータゲノムの構想(Envisioning the Battery Data Genome, a central data hub for battery innovation)


新しいデータ規格は、電池の開発を加速させるだろう。 New data standards would speed battery development.

2022-10-05 アルゴンヌ国立研究所(ANL)

バッテリーイノベーションのための中心的なデータハブ、バッテリーデータゲノムの構想(Envisioning the Battery Data Genome, a central data hub for battery innovation)
Argonne researchers have proposed the creation of the Battery Data Genome, a central data repository to enable energy storage breakthroughs using artificial intelligence. (Image by Shutterstock/HR_Line.)

アルゴンヌはすでに、既存のデータファイルをクリーンアップするためのオープンソフトウェアを、https://github.com/materials-data-facility/battery-data-toolkit にある「battery-data-toolkit」で提供しています。6種類の正極化学物質を含む300個のリチウムイオン電池のサイクル寿命を確立するための完全なファイルのリリースは、10月後半に予定されている。


バッテリーデータゲノムの原理 Principles of the Battery Data Genome

Logan Ward,Susan Babinec,Eric J.Dufek, David A.Howey,Venkatasubramanian Viswanathan,Muratahan Aykol,David A.C.Beck,Benjamin Blaiszik,Bor-Rong Chen,George Crabtree,Simon Clark,Valerio De Angelis,Philipp Dechent,Matthieu Dubarry,Erica E.Eggleton,Donal P.Finegan,Ian Foster,Chirranjeevi Balaji Gopal,Patrick K.Herring,Victor W.Hu,Noah H.Paulson,Yuliya Preger,Dirk Uwe-Sauer,Kandler Smith,Seth W.Snyder,Shashank Sripad,Tanvir R.Tanim,Linnette Teo
Joule  Available online: 3 October 2022

Context & scale

Batteries are a key enabling technology in the transition to a low-carbon economy but have yet to enjoy the revolutionary data-science gains enjoyed by other fields. In the proposed Battery Data Genome, we identify gaps hindering this transformation and put forth organizing and operating principles that can drive uniform practices that are the foundation of the solution. Our path forward builds a community of data hubs with standardized practices and, critically, with flexible sharing options. Together, these will enable data-science advances across a reimagined international battery community that will catalyze a new generation of innovation with broader economic impact. As a call to action, the Battery Data Genome is a crucial step to address the global low-carbon challenge. The authors are committed to continue advancing the Battery Data Genome by expanding and linking the existing data hubs and by building the community and organizational structure needed for success.


Batteries are central to modern society. They are no longer just a convenience but a critical enabler of the transition to a resilient, low-carbon economy. Battery development capabilities are provided by communities spanning materials discovery, battery chemistry and electrochemistry, cell and pack design, scale-up, manufacturing, and deployments. Despite their relative maturity, data-science practices among these diverse groups are far behind the state of the art in other fields, which have demonstrated an ability to significantly improve innovation and economic impact. The negative consequences of the present paradigm include incremental improvements but few breakthroughs, significant manufacturing uncertainties, and cascading investment risks that collectively slow deployments. The primary roadblock to a battery-data-science renaissance is the requirement for large amounts of high-quality data, which are not available in the current fragmented ecosystem. Here, we identify gaps and propose principles that enable the solution by building a robust community of data hubs with standardized practices and flexible sharing options that will seed advanced tools spanning innovation to deployment. Precedents are offered that demonstrate that both public good and immense economic gains will arise from sharing valuable battery data. The proposed Battery Data Genome looks to broadly transform innovations and revolutionize their translation from research to societal impact.
