デルフト工科大学の研究者が、グリーンでエネルギー自立型の欧州のモデルを開発(TU Delft researchers develop model for green, energy independent Europe)


2022-06-13 オランダ・デルフト工科大学(TUDelft)



欧州のエネルギーシステム全体で化石燃料を排除し、カーボンニュートラルを達成するための選択肢の多様性 Diversity of options to eliminate fossil fuels and reach carbon neutrality across the entire European energy system

Bryn Pickering,Francesco Lombardi,Stefan Pfenninger
Joule  Published: June 8, 2022

デルフト工科大学の研究者が、グリーンでエネルギー自立型の欧州のモデルを開発(TU Delft researchers develop model for green, energy independent Europe)


  • Many cost-effective options exist for an energy self-sufficient, carbon-neutral Europe
  • A variety of spatial configurations are valid, and specific regions can be prioritized
  • Although firm capacity is not a must have, limiting it reduces the maneuvering space
  • For example, low bioenergy requires electrified heat and controlled vehicle charging

Context & scale

Most studies to reach European carbon -neutrality focus on one or a few economically “optimal” scenarios, suggesting that only these system design options exist. We show a diversity of untold options to meet all energy demand based on renewable energy, with a complete phase-out of oil and gas imports. With a marginal increase above optimal cost, the reliance of an energy self-sufficient Europe on specific solutions, like biofuels, battery storage, transmission expansion, or heat electrification, can vary from not being used at all to being key to system stability.

With our work, policy makers can explore this option space. For instance, one can investigate where to locate hydrogen production hubs or look at the necessary trade-offs of imposing preferences like having to support consumers in electrifying heat and transport if biofuel use is minimized. Our code and data are open; hence, our approach can be applied to other continents or scaled to support decisions in specific regions.


Disagreements persist on how to design a self-sufficient, carbon-neutral European energy system. To explore the diversity of design options, we develop a high-resolution model of the entire European energy system and produce 441 technically feasible system designs that are within 10% of the optimal economic cost. We show that a wide range of systems based on renewable energy are feasible, with no need to import energy from outside Europe. Model solutions reveal considerable flexibility in the choice and geographical distribution of new infrastructure across the continent. Balanced renewable energy supply can be achieved either with or without mechanisms such as biofuel use, curtailment, and expansion of the electricity network. Trade-offs emerge once specific preferences are imposed. Low biofuel use, for example, requires heat electrification and controlled vehicle charging. This exploration of the impact of preferences on system design options is vital to inform urgent, politically difficult decisions for eliminating fossil fuel imports and achieving European carbon neutrality.
