あまり知られていないオゾン層が地球温暖化に与える大きな役割(Lesser known ozone layer’s outsized role in planet warming)


大気汚染で温められた南氷洋 Air pollution heating up the Southern Ocean

2022-04-22 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校(UCR)

・「歴史的に見ると、海洋の温暖化の約3分の1はオゾンに起因しています。この3分の1については、約40%が成層圏から、残りは対流圏からです」とリューは言う。・この発見は、学術誌「Nature Climate Change」に掲載されました。


成層圏オゾン層破壊と対流圏オゾン層増加による南極海内部温暖化 Stratospheric ozone depletion and tropospheric ozone increases drive Southern Ocean interior

Wei Liu,Michaela I. Hegglin,Ramiro Checa-Garcia,Shouwei Li,Nathan P. Gillett,Kewei Lyu,Xuebin Zhang &Neil C. Swart
Nature Climate Change  Published: 31 March 2022

あまり知られていないオゾン層が地球温暖化に与える大きな役割(Lesser known ozone layer’s outsized role in planet warming)


Atmospheric ozone has undergone distinct changes in the stratosphere and troposphere during the second half of the twentieth century, with depletion in the stratosphere and an increase in the troposphere. Until now, the effect of these changes on ocean heat uptake has been unclear. Here we show that both stratospheric and tropospheric ozone changes have contributed to Southern Ocean interior warming with the latter being more important. The ozone changes between 1955 and 2000 induced about 30% of the net simulated ocean heat content increase in the upper 2,000 m of the Southern Ocean, with around 60% attributed to tropospheric increases and 40% to stratospheric depletion. Moreover, these two warming contributions show distinct physical mechanisms: tropospheric ozone increases cause a subsurface warming in the Southern Ocean primarily via the deepening of isopycnals, while stratospheric ozone causes depletion via spiciness changes along isopycnals. Our results highlight that tropospheric ozone is more than an air pollutant and, as a greenhouse gas, has been pivotal to the Southern Ocean warming.
