日用品の製造をより低毒性に:バイオ由来ポリウレタン(A Less Toxic Way to Manufacture Daily Goods)


2025-03-21 カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 (UCSD)

カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校(UCSD)のMichael Burkart教授らの研究チームは、有毒なホスゲンを使わずに、単糖のD-ガラクトースから完全に再生可能な芳香族ジイソシアネートを合成する新技術を開発した。これはポリウレタン製造における画期的な技術で、従来の石油由来素材と同等の性能を持つ熱可塑性ポリウレタン(TPU)を100%バイオベース材料から製造可能にする。新手法は遷移金属や高温高圧条件を必要とせず、より安全かつ持続可能な化学品製造を実現する。現在はスケールアップとプロトタイプ開発が進行中。


ガラクトースからの再生可能なテレフタレートと芳香族ジイソシアネート Renewable Terephthalates and Aromatic Diisocyanates from Galactose

Matthew W. Halloran, Roxanne Naumann, Aanchal Jaisingh, Nathan A. Romero, Michael D. Burkart
Angewandte Chemie International Edition  Published: 17 February 2025

Graphical Abstract

Preparation of renewable terephthalates and aromatic diisocyanates is presented using a transition metal-free route through a mild electrochemical decarboxylative aromatization on gram scale. Terephthalates were readily converted into aromatic diisocyanates in flow and used to synthesize 100 % renewable thermoplastic polyurethanes.

日用品の製造をより低毒性に:バイオ由来ポリウレタン(A Less Toxic Way to Manufacture Daily Goods)


Aromatic diisocyanates, invaluable commodity chemicals for polymer manufacturing, are produced annually on megaton scales from petroleum-derived diamines via phosgenation. Existing routes toward renewable alternatives are sparse and limited by access to functionalized aromatic starting materials, such as terephthalates. Herein, we report the development of a robust route to renewable terephthalates and aromatic diisocyanates from D-galactose via Eastwood olefination and Diels–Alder cycloaddition, followed by a mild electrochemical decarboxylative aromatization. This process was developed and applied on gram-scale to synthesize terephthalates, which were transformed into aromatic diisocyanates via Curtius rearrangement in flow. We demonstrate gram-scale preparation of 1,4-phenylene diisocyanate and 2,5-toluene diisocyanate and formulation of these monomers to prepare fully renewable thermoplastic polyurethanes. Preparation of these renewable aromatic diisocyanates proceeds without the use of high-pressure gases or costly transition-metals and represents a novel route to fully renewable aromatic diisocyanates.
