マイクロプラスチック汚染が光合成を妨害し、食料安全保障に脅威(Microplastic Pollution Disrupts Photosynthesis, Threatening Global Food Security)


2025-03-21 中国科学院(CAS)

マイクロプラスチック汚染が光合成を妨害し、食料安全保障に脅威(Microplastic Pollution Disrupts Photosynthesis, Threatening Global Food Security)Global maps of annual production losses for three main food crops (Image by DANG Fei)

中国科学院土壌科学研究所のDANG Fei教授らと南京大学のZHONG Huan教授の共同研究により、微小プラスチック汚染が陸上、海洋、淡水の各生態系における光合成効率を7.05~12.12%低下させることが明らかになった。メタアナリシスと機械学習を用いた解析では、主要作物(米・小麦・トウモロコシ)の年間生産量が109.73~360.87 MT、海域における正味一次生産力が147.52~3415.11 MT C減少する可能性が示された。研究者らは、環境中の微小プラスチック濃度を13%低減することで、光合成損失を約30%抑制できると推計し、持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)実現のためのプラスチック汚染対策の緊急性を訴えている。今後、フィールドデータやリモートセンシング技術の進展により、さらなる対策検討が期待される。


マイクロプラスチック汚染下における多系統光合成損失のグローバルな推定 A global estimate of multiecosystem photosynthesis losses under microplastic pollution

Ruijie Zhu, Zhaoying Zhang, Naichi Zhang, +13 , and Baoshan Xing
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences  Published:March 10, 2025


Our study presents a global assessment of microplastic pollution’s impact on food security. By analyzing a comprehensive dataset of 3,286 records, we quantify the reduction in photosynthesis caused by microplastics across various ecosystems. This reduction is estimated to cause an annual loss of 109.73 to 360.87 million metric tons (MT) for crop production and 1.05 to 24.33 MT for seafood production. By reducing current environmental microplastic levels by 13%, these losses could be mitigated by 14.26 to 46.91 MT in crops and 0.14 to 3.16 MT in seafood. These findings underscore the urgency for effective plastic mitigation strategies and provide insights for international researchers and policymakers to safeguard global food supplies in the face of the growing plastic crisis.


Understanding how ecosystems respond to ubiquitous microplastic (MP) pollution is crucial for ensuring global food security. Here, we conduct a multiecosystem meta-analysis of 3,286 data points and reveal that MP exposure leads to a global reduction in photosynthesis of 7.05 to 12.12% in terrestrial plants, marine algae, and freshwater algae. These reductions align with those estimated by a constructed machine learning model using current MP pollution levels, showing that MP exposure reduces the chlorophyll content of photoautotrophs by 10.96 to 12.84%. Model estimates based on the identified MP-photosynthesis nexus indicate annual global losses of 4.11 to 13.52% (109.73 to 360.87 MT·y−1) for main crops and 0.31 to 7.24% (147.52 to 3415.11 MT C·y−1) for global aquatic net primary productivity induced by MPs. Under scenarios of efficient plastic mitigation, e.g., a ~13% global reduction in environmental MP levels, the MP-induced photosynthesis losses are estimated to decrease by ~30%, avoiding a global loss of 22.15 to 115.73 MT·y−1 in main crop production and 0.32 to 7.39 MT·y−1 in seafood production. These findings underscore the urgency of integrating plastic mitigation into global hunger and sustainability initiatives.
