量子通信の世界初の10,000km超セキュア通信を実現(Chinese-led Team Achieves World’s First 10,000km Quantum-secured Communication)


2025-03-19 中国科学院(CAS)

中国の科学者が主導する国際チームは、ジナン-1マイクロナノ衛星とコンパクトな地上局を使用し、中国と南アフリカ間の12,900 km以上にわたる量子安全通信を実現しました。 この成果は、衛星と小型地上局間のリアルタイム量子鍵配送(QKD)を可能にし、これまでで最長距離のハッカー耐性通信を達成したものです。この結果は『Nature』誌に発表され、査読者からは「技術的に印象的な成果」であり、「衛星QKD技術の成熟度を示す」と評価されました。


マイクロ衛星を用いたリアルタイム量子鍵配布 Microsatellite-based real-time quantum key distribution

Yang Li,Wen-Qi Cai,Ji-Gang Ren,Chao-Ze Wang,Meng Yang,Liang Zhang,Hui-Ying Wu,Liang Chang,Jin-Cai Wu,Biao Jin,Hua-Jian Xue,Xue-Jiao Li,Hui Liu,Guang-Wen Yu,Xue-Ying Tao,Ting Chen,Chong-Fei Liu,Wen-Bin Luo,Jie Zhou,Hai-Lin Yong,Yu-Huai Li,Feng-Zhi Li,Cong Jiang,Hao-Ze Chen,… Jian-Wei Pan
Nature  Published:19 March 2025

量子通信の世界初の10,000km超セキュア通信を実現(Chinese-led Team Achieves World’s First 10,000km Quantum-secured Communication)


A quantum network1,2,3 provides an infrastructure that connects quantum devices with revolutionary computing, sensing and communication capabilities. A quantum satellite constellation offers a solution to facilitate the quantum network on a global scale4,5. The Micius satellite has verified the feasibility of satellite quantum communications6,7,8,9; however, scaling up quantum satellite constellations is challenging, requiring small lightweight satellites, portable ground stations and real-time secure key exchange. Here we tackle these challenges and report the development of a quantum microsatellite capable of performing space-to-ground quantum key distribution using portable ground stations. The microsatellite payload weighs approximately 23 kilograms, and the portable ground station weighs about 100 kilograms, representing reductions by more than 1 and 2 orders of magnitude, respectively. Using this set-up, we demonstrate satellite-based quantum key distribution with multiple ground stations and achieve the sharing of up to 1.07 million bits of secure keys during a single satellite pass. In addition, we multiplex bidirectional satellite–ground optical communication with quantum communication, enabling key distillation and secure communication in real time. Also, a secret key, enabling one-time pad encryption of images, is created between China and South Africa at locations separated by over 12,900 kilometres on Earth. The compact quantum payload can be readily assembled on existing space stations10,11 or small satellites12, paving the way for a satellite-constellation-based quantum and classical network for widespread real-life applications.
