ドローンシステムが屋内捜索を支援 (Prize-winning drone system can assist first responders in indoor searches)


2025-02-24 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NC State)

ペンシルベニア州立大学のAutonomous Robotics Competition Club(ARCC)は、室内捜索救助活動向けの低コスト無人航空システム(UAS)を開発しました。このシステムは、2Dおよび3Dマッピング技術を備えた2機のドローンで構成され、GPS信号が届かない環境でも機能します。1機目は基本的な飛行制御を担当し、2機目は環境の3Dマッピングを行います。既製部品と独自技術の組み合わせにより低コスト化を実現し、2023年のFirst Responder UAS 3D Mapping Challengeで2位を獲得しました。今後、消防や救助隊の支援ツールとしての活用が期待されています。


屋内法執行機関および救急隊員アプリケーションのための多用途UASプラットフォーム Versatile UAS Platform for Indoor Law Enforcement and First Responders Applications

Venkatakrishnan V. Iyer, Vitor Tumelero Valente, Rachel M. Axten and Eric N. Johnson
Aerospace Research Central  Published:3 Jan 2025


The Penn State Autonomous Robotics Competition Club has developed a low-cost UAS platform to support law enforcement and first responders conducting indoor operations. The solution consists of single/multi-vehicle configurations, allowing for the distribution of tasks and addressing different aspects using different vehicles; for example, one UAS can perform reconnaissance while another UAS can simultaneously perform 3D mapping. The design of the mapping UAS vehicle is focused on providing a cost-effective solution with autonomous vision-based navigation, navigation in low light conditions, including thermal and night vision capabilities and two-way audio communications. The proposed solution is capable of operations including 2D and 3D mapping, indoor Search and Rescue (SAR) operations, and reconnaissance. The reconnaissance vehicle is designed to have low deployment time and provide a live video stream. A quadcopter configuration provides a viable balance between endurance and adequate thrust for both UAS to safely maneuver through the indoor environment. The proposed solution offers a versatile configuration capable of numerous applications, providing necessary situational awareness and flexibility to first responders.
