湖沼と海洋における酸素の喪失は生態系、社会、地球にとって大きな脅威である(Loss of Oxygen in Lakes and Oceans a Major Threat to Ecosystems, Society, and Planet)


2024-07-15 レンセラー工科大学 (RPI)

水中の酸素減少(脱酸素化)は生命にとって重大な脅威であり、Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteのKevin Rose博士らの研究は、これが地球全体の安定性に対する重大な脅威であるとしています。近年、河川や湖沼、海洋でしており、これが気候変動や土地利用変化などの他の地球規模のプロセス(プラネタリーバウンダリー)と相互に影響し合っていると指摘しています。特に、脱酸素化は生態系に大きな影響を与え、漁業や観光などの生態系サービスを脅かします。Roseらは、脱酸素化をプラネタリーバウンダリーに追加することの重要性を強調し、さらなる研究と政策の必要性を訴えています。


水生酸素欠乏は惑星の境界であり、地球システムの安定性の重要な調節因子である Aquatic deoxygenation as a planetary boundary and key regulator of Earth system stability

Kevin C. Rose,Erica M. Ferrer,Stephen R. Carpenter,Sean A. Crowe,Sarah C. Donelan,Véronique C. Garçon,Marilaure Grégoire,Stephen F. Jane,Peter R. Leavitt,Lisa A. Levin,Andreas Oschlies & Denise Breitburg
Nature Ecology & Evolution  Published:15 July 2024

湖沼と海洋における酸素の喪失は生態系、社会、地球にとって大きな脅威である(Loss of Oxygen in Lakes and Oceans a Major Threat to Ecosystems, Society, and Planet)


Planetary boundaries represent thresholds in major Earth system processes that are sensitive to human activity and control global-scale habitability and stability. These processes are interconnected such that movement of one planetary boundary process can alter the likelihood of crossing other boundaries. Here we argue that the observed deoxygenation of the Earth’s freshwater and marine ecosystems represents an additional planetary boundary process that is critical to the integrity of Earth’s ecological and social systems, and both regulates and responds to ongoing changes in other planetary boundary processes. Research on the rapid and ongoing deoxygenation of Earth’s aquatic habitats indicates that relevant, critical oxygen thresholds are being approached at rates comparable to other planetary boundary processes. Concerted global monitoring, research and policy efforts are needed to address the challenges brought on by rapid deoxygenation, and the expansion of the planetary boundaries framework to include deoxygenation as a boundary helps to focus those efforts.
