電気航空機による気候変動への大きなメリット(Major climate benefits with electric aircraft)


2024-01-23 チャルマース工科大学

◆スウェーデンのチャルマース工科大学の研究者らが、小型電動飛行機「Pipistrel Alpha Electro」の寿命全体を対象に初のライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA)を実施。同等の化石燃料機と比較し、電動機は約1,000飛行時間後に気候影響が低減し、最終的には60%も少なくなる。ただし、鉱物資源の希少性が増加するとのデメリットがあり、バッテリー技術の進化が重要。リチウムイオンバッテリーの寿命延長や新技術の導入が環境への影響を改善できる可能性があります。


二人乗り全電気航空機のライフサイクル評価 Life cycle assessment of a two-seater all-electric aircraft

  • Rickard Arvidsson,Anders Nordelöf & Selma Brynolf
    The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment  Published:27 October 2023

電気航空機による気候変動への大きなメリット(Major climate benefits with electric aircraft)


Aviation is an important contributor to climate change and other environmental problems. Electrification is one option for reducing the environmental impacts of aviation. The aim of this study is to provide the first life cycle assessment (LCA) results representing an existing commercial, two-seater, all-electric aircraft.

An attributional cradle-to-grave LCA was conducted with a functional unit of 1 h flight time. Data and records from an aircraft manufacturer informed much of the study. Detailed modelling of important aircraft components is provided, including the battery, motor, inverter, instrument panel and seats. Impact results are compared to those from a similar but fossil fuel–based two-seater aircraft. A wide range of impact categories was considered, while the focus was on global warming, resource depletion, particulate matter, acidification and ozone formation.

Results and discussion
The main contributors to almost all impact categories are the airframe, the lithium-ion battery and emissions (in the use phase). The airframe has a major impact as it contains energy-intensive, carbon fibre–reinforced composites, the impact of which can be reduced by recycling. The battery dominates mineral resource depletion categories and contributes notably to emission-based categories. Producing batteries using non-fossil energy or shifting to less resource-intensive, next-generation batteries would reduce their impact. Use-phase impacts can be reduced by sourcing non-fossil electricity. Despite the need for multiple battery pack replacements, the comparison with the fossil fuel option (based on equal lifetimes) still showed the electric aircraft contributing less to global warming, even in a high-carbon electricity scenario. By contrast, when it concerned mineral resources, the electric aircraft had greater impact than the fossil fuel based one.

A sufficiently long lifetime is key to bringing the all-electric aircraft’s environmental impacts (such as global warming) below those of fossil fuel–based aircraft. The high burden of the airframe and batteries can then be outweighed by the benefit of more efficient and emission-free electric propulsion. However, this comes with a trade-off in terms of increased mineral resource use.
