エンジニアがグリーン・グラフェンの秘密を明かす(Engineers reveal the secrets behind green graphene)


2023-07-10 プリンストン大学

◆フランスの研究者アンジュ・ンジホウは、廃棄物バイオマスをグラフェンに変換する技術を持ち込みましたが、そのプロセスのメカニズムは不明でした。PrincetonのClaire Whiteが協力し、鉄触媒が廃棄物バイオマスをグラフェンに変換する仕組みを解明しました。


エネルギー貯蔵応用のためのセルロースのグラファイト化を触媒する鉄ナノ粒子 Iron Nanoparticles to Catalyze Graphitization of Cellulose for Energy Storage Applications

Lina M. Romero Millán, Amel C. Ghogia, Claire E. White, and Ange Nzihou
ACS Applied Nano Materials  Published:February 24, 2023

エンジニアがグリーン・グラフェンの秘密を明かす(Engineers reveal the secrets behind green graphene)


The production of highly graphitic carbon from bioresources is an environmentally friendly approach to synthesize graphene for energy storage applications. Iron catalytic graphitization of cellulose, the most abundant biopolymer on earth, is an alternative approach as until now, cellulose has been classified as poorly graphitizable material. In this study, the impact of processing temperature and iron impregnation on the extent of graphitization of the cellulose-derived graphitic carbon nanostructure is uncovered by combining Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray pair distribution function analysis. Raman spectroscopy is used in an innovative way to describe the evolution of the average graphitic phase size where the ash content misguides the X-ray diffraction analysis. A correlation was established between (i) the in-plane crystallite size La and the ID″/IG first-order ratio, (ii) the out-of-plane Lc crystallite size and the IG/Itot′ second-order ratio, and (iii) the second-order Raman IG′/Itot′ ratio and the average number of carbon layers per carbon crystallite. For iron-impregnated cellulose, phase quantification and analysis of the spatial distribution reveal highly crystalline rhombohedral graphite surrounded by a nanocrystalline carbon matrix. We explicitly show that traditionally non-graphitizable carbons can be used to form a graphite-like structure with multilayers of graphene sheets by careful addition of widely available nontoxic metal as catalysts. The study also shows that the impact of the catalyst is much more effective than the temperature in the nanostructure transformation. The proposed approach and the results obtained provide interesting insights that should stimulate further works aimed at extending the knowledge in the field.

バイオ炭からのグリーン・グラフェンの合成と成長、鉄触媒の磁気特性から明らかに Synthesis and Growth of Green Graphene from Biochar Revealed by Magnetic Properties of Iron Catalyst

Amel C. Ghogia, Lina M. Romero Millán, Claire E. White, Ange Nzihou
ChemSusChem  Published: 06 November 2022

Graphical Abstract

Show your facets: The graphitic carbon crystallite size increases with processing temperature, and the highest processing temperature of 1800 °C is correlated with large metallic iron particles possessing a relatively broad distribution of sizes that are in the most reduced state. The large facets of the bigger iron particles provide regions for precipitation of graphitic carbon, where precipitation is promoted by the reduced metallic iron

Description unavailable


Understanding the mechanism of iron-catalyzed graphitization of biomass is an important step for the large-scale synthesis of green graphene. Although iron is known to be the most active transition metal for the catalytic graphitization of cellulose-derived biochar, the direct effect of the iron molecular structure on the formation of highly graphitic carbon remains elusive. Here, biochar was produced from pyrolysis of iron-impregnated cellulose at three different temperatures (1000, 1400, and 1800 °C). X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements were used to probe changes in biochar nanostructure catalyzed by the inclusion of iron. An increase of pyrolysis temperature led to an increase in the iron particle size and the degree of iron reduction, as well as the formation of larger graphitic carbon crystallite sizes, and these two attributes of iron were seen to positively affect the biochar graphitization usually challenging under 2000 °C.
