暗闇で堅牢な光学構造を構築する(Building robust optical structures made of darkness)


メタサーフェスを用いて “光学的特異点 “と呼ばれる暗部を生成・制御する新しい方法を2件の研究で報告した。 Two studies report new methods for using metasurfaces to create and control dark areas called “optical singularities”

2023-06-27 ハーバード大学



メタサーフェスによる点特異点配列 Point singularity array with metasurfaces

Soon Wei Daniel Lim,Joon-Suh Park,Dmitry Kazakov,Christina M. Spägele,Ahmed H. Dorrah,Maryna L. Meretska & Federico Capasso
Nature Communications  Published:05 June 2023

暗闇で堅牢な光学構造を構築する(Building robust optical structures made of darkness)


Phase singularities are loci of darkness surrounded by monochromatic light in a scalar field, with applications in optical trapping, super-resolution imaging, and structured light-matter interactions. Although 1D singular structures, like optical vortices, are common due to their robust topological properties, uncommon 0D (point) and 2D (sheet) singularities can be generated by wavefront-shaping devices like metasurfaces. With the design flexibility of metasurfaces, we deterministically position ten identical point singularities using a single illumination source. The phasefront is inverse-designed using phase-gradient maximization with an automatically-differentiable propagator and produces tight longitudinal intensity confinement. The array is experimentally realized with a TiO2 metasurface. One possible application is blue-detuned neutral atom trap arrays, for which this field would enforce 3D confinement and a potential depth around 0.22 mK per watt of incident laser power. We show that metasurface-enabled point singularity engineering may significantly simplify and miniaturize the optical architecture for super-resolution microscopes and dark traps.

4次元空間におけるトポロジー的に保護された光偏光特異点 Topologically protected optical polarization singularities in four-dimensional space

Christina M. Spaegele,Michele Tamagnone,Soon Wei Daniel Lim,Marcus Ossiander,Maryna L. Meretska,and Federico Capasso
Science Advances  Published:16 Jun 2023


Optical singularities play a major role in modern optics and are frequently deployed in structured light, super-resolution microscopy, and holography. While phase singularities are uniquely defined as locations of undefined phase, polarization singularities studied thus far are either partial, i.e., bright points of well-defined polarization, or are unstable for small field perturbations. We demonstrate a complete, topologically protected polarization singularity; it is located in the four-dimensional space spanned by the three spatial dimensions and the wavelength and is created in the focus of a cascaded metasurface-lens system. The field Jacobian plays a key role in the design of such higher-dimensional singularities, which can be extended to multidimensional wave phenomena, and pave the way for unconventional applications in topological photonics and precision sensing.
