新しい水処理技術で、塩分濃度の高い水もリサイクル可能に(New Water Treatment Technology Could Help Recycle Even Super Salty Waters)


2023-05-15 米国国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)

◆最近発表された「Desalination」という論文で、National Alliance for Water Innovation(NAWI)研究コンソーシアムのメンバーが、新たな逆浸透膜技術である低除塩逆浸透膜について分析しました。これらの新技術は非常に高塩分の水を処理できる可能性がありますが、まだ理論的な段階にあります。


塩分除去率の低い逆浸透膜のコスト最適化 Cost optimization of low-salt-rejection reverse osmosis

Adam A. Atia, Jeff Allen, Ethan Young, Ben Knueven, Timothy V. Bartholomew
Desalination  Available online: 1 February 2023

新しい水処理技術で、塩分濃度の高い水もリサイクル可能に(New Water Treatment Technology Could Help Recycle Even Super Salty Waters)


Low-salt-rejection reverse osmosis (LSRRO) is an emerging membrane-based desalination technology for concentrating brines with potentially lower energy consumption and cost than thermally driven processes. We assess the technoeconomic performance of LSRRO by using an optimization model that minimizes the levelized cost of water (LCOW). We develop detailed models for the RO module and other equipment using WaterTAP (Water treatment Technoeconomic Assessment Platform), an open-source simulation and optimization software for water treatment. We improve upon previous LSRRO cost optimization studies by optimizing the salt permeability for each stage, which has significant implications for technoeconomic performance. We present the cost-optimal design, operation, and performance for three cases: 35 g/L TDS feed at 70 % recovery, 70 g/L at 55 %, and 125 g/L at 35 %. The cost-optimal LCOW and specific energy consumption (SEC) for these cases are 0.70, 1.89, and 7.41 $/m3 and 3.9, 8.4, and 30.4 kWh/m3, respectively. For each case, we use sensitivity analyses to provide guidance on key factors that impact economic viability. We also present the cost-optimal LCOW and SEC for feed concentrations between 5 and 220 g/L TDS and recoveries between 30 and 90 %. Lastly, we compare LSRRO to other high-salinity desalination technologies and find that it may be cost-competitive below feed concentrations of 125 g/L.
