自己駆動型ラボラトリー「AlphaFlow」が化学物質の発見を加速する(Self-Driven Laboratory, AlphaFlow, Speeds Chemical Discovery)


2023-03-15 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)

ノースカロライナ州立大学の化学・生体分子工学教授Milad Abolhasani氏らが、自己駆動型ラボ「AlphaFlow」を開発し、複雑な多段階反応の新しい経路を同定・最適化できるようにした。


AlphaFlow:強化学習によって導かれた自己駆動型流体ラボを用いた、多段階化学の自律的な発見と最適化 AlphaFlow: autonomous discovery and optimization of multi-step chemistry using a self-driven fluidic lab guided by reinforcement learning

Amanda A. Volk,Robert W. Epps,Daniel T. Yonemoto,Benjamin S. Masters,Felix N. Castellano,Kristofer G. Reyes & Milad Abolhasani
Nature Communications  Published:14 March 2023

自己駆動型ラボラトリー「AlphaFlow」が化学物質の発見を加速する(Self-Driven Laboratory, AlphaFlow, Speeds Chemical Discovery)


Closed-loop, autonomous experimentation enables accelerated and material-efficient exploration of large reaction spaces without the need for user intervention. However, autonomous exploration of advanced materials with complex, multi-step processes and data sparse environments remains a challenge. In this work, we present AlphaFlow, a self-driven fluidic lab capable of autonomous discovery of complex multi-step chemistries. AlphaFlow uses reinforcement learning integrated with a modular microdroplet reactor capable of performing reaction steps with variable sequence, phase separation, washing, and continuous in-situ spectral monitoring. To demonstrate the power of reinforcement learning toward high dimensionality multi-step chemistries, we use AlphaFlow to discover and optimize synthetic routes for shell-growth of core-shell semiconductor nanoparticles, inspired by colloidal atomic layer deposition (cALD). Without prior knowledge of conventional cALD parameters, AlphaFlow successfully identified and optimized a novel multi-step reaction route, with up to 40 parameters, that outperformed conventional sequences. Through this work, we demonstrate the capabilities of closed-loop, reinforcement learning-guided systems in exploring and solving challenges in multi-step nanoparticle syntheses, while relying solely on in-house generated data from a miniaturized microfluidic platform. Further application of AlphaFlow in multi-step chemistries beyond cALD can lead to accelerated fundamental knowledge generation as well as synthetic route discoveries and optimization.
