コインを投げて球体を理解する:球と4次元空間に関する30年来の疑問に決着をつけました。この結果は、複雑な空間を理解するための最も強力なツールの1つである「オイラークラス」に新たな光をもたらす。(Tossing coins to understand spheres:have settled a 30-year-old question about spheres and 4-dimensional spaces. The results bring new light to the “Euler Class,” one of the most powerful tools to understand complicated spaces.)


2023-02-14 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)



同相群および微分同相群の有界・無界コホモロジー Bounded and unbounded cohomology of homeomorphism and diffeomorphism groups

Nicolas Monod & Sam Nariman
Inventiones Mathematicae  Published:06 February 2023

コインを投げて球体を理解する:球と4次元空間に関する30年来の疑問に決着をつけました。この結果は、複雑な空間を理解するための最も強力なツールの1つである「オイラークラス」に新たな光をもたらす。(Tossing coins to understand spheres:have settled a 30-year-old question about spheres and 4-dimensional spaces. The results bring new light to the “Euler Class,” one of the most powerful tools to understand complicated spaces.)


We determine the bounded cohomology of the group of homeomorphisms of certain low-dimensional manifolds. In particular, for the group of orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the circle and of the closed 2-disc, it is isomorphic to the polynomial ring generated by the bounded Euler class. These seem to be the first examples of groups for which the entire bounded cohomology can be described without being trivial. We further prove that the Cr-diffeomorphisms groups of the circle and of the closed 2-disc have the same bounded cohomology as their homeomorphism groups, so that both differ from the ordinary cohomology of Cr-diffeomorphisms when r>1>1. Finally, we determine the low-dimensional bounded cohomology of homeo- and diffeomorphism of the spheres Sn and of certain 3-manifolds. In particular, we answer a question of Ghys by showing that the Euler class in H4(Homeo(S3))4(Homeo∘(3)) is unbounded.
