気候変動により、今世紀中に米国の森林面積が5分の1に減少する可能性(Climate Change May Cut U.S. Forest Inventory by a Fifth This Century)


2023-01-30 ノースカロライナ州立大学(NCState)

◆Forest Policy and Economics誌に掲載されたこの研究では、研究者はコンピュータモデリングを用いて、6つの気候温暖化シナリオの下で2100年までに米国本土の94の個々の樹種がどのように成長するかを予測した。また、2つの異なる経済シナリオが林業製品の需要拡大に与える影響も検討した。研究者らは、森林の在庫、伐採、価格、炭素隔離に関する成果を、気候変動がない場合のシナリオと比較しました。研究者たちは、彼らの方法は、他のモデルと比較して、気候変動の影響が大きいシナリオの下での将来の森林セクターについて、より微妙な描写を提供することができると述べています。


高インパクト気候シナリオに対する米国の森林管理、市場、炭素貯留の反応についての予測 Projecting U.S. forest management, market, and carbon sequestration responses to a high-impact climate scenario

Justin S.Baker,George Van Houtven,Jennifer Phelan,Gregory Latta,Christopher M.Clark,Kemen G.Austin,Olakunle E.Sodiya,Sara B.Ohrel,John Buckley,Lauren E.Gentile,Jeremy Martinich
Forest Policy and Economics  Available online: 28 December 2022

Fig. 1


•We link forest composition and dynamic economic models to project climate change impacts on US forests.
•Market impacts are modest, but lost carbon sequestration capacity causes economic damages.
•Adaptation responses include spatiotemporal shifts in harvests, management, and regional mill capacity.


The impact of climate change on forest ecosystems remains uncertain, with wide variation in potential climate impacts across different radiative forcing scenarios and global circulation models, as well as potential variation in forest productivity impacts across species and regions. This study uses an empirical forest composition model to estimate the impact of climate factors (temperature and precipitation) and other environmental parameters on forest productivity for 94 forest species across the conterminous United States. The composition model is linked to a dynamic optimization model of the U.S. forestry sector to quantify economic impacts of a high warming scenario (Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5) under six alternative climate projections and two socioeconomic scenarios. Results suggest that forest market impacts and consumer impacts could range from relatively large losses (−$2.6 billion) to moderate gain ($0.2 billion) per year across climate scenarios. Temperature-induced higher mortality and lower productivity for some forest types and scenarios, coupled with increasing economic demands for forest products, result in forest inventory losses by end of century relative to the current climate baseline (3%–23%). Lower inventories and reduced carbon sequestration capacity result in additional economic losses of up to approximately $4.1 billion per year. However, our results also highlight important adaptation mechanisms, such forest type changes and shifts in regional mill capacity that could reduce the impact of high impact climate scenarios.

