2022-12-12 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)
ペンシルベニア州立大学の研究者は、「基本的に、これらの小さなナノボットは自己組織化され、自己認識するようになります」と、クライトンの小説に触発されて、相互作用する自走するエージェント間の集団運動の出現を研究することにしました。この研究は、最近『Nature Communications』誌に掲載された。
- https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/model-shows-how-intelligent-behavior-can-emerge-non-living-agents/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-34484-2
通信するアクティブマターにおけるマルチスケール組織化 Multi-scale organization in communicating active matter
Alexander Ziepke,Ivan Maryshev,Igor S. Aranson & Erwin Frey
Nature Communications Published:07 November 2022
The emergence of collective motion among interacting, self-propelled agents is a central paradigm in non-equilibrium physics. Examples of such active matter range from swimming bacteria and cytoskeletal motility assays to synthetic self-propelled colloids and swarming microrobots. Remarkably, the aggregation capabilities of many of these systems rely on a theme as fundamental as it is ubiquitous in nature: communication. Despite its eminent importance, the role of communication in the collective organization of active systems is not yet fully understood. Here we report on the multi-scale self-organization of interacting self-propelled agents that locally process information transmitted by chemical signals. We show that this communication capacity dramatically expands their ability to form complex structures, allowing them to self-organize through a series of collective dynamical states at multiple hierarchical levels. Our findings provide insights into the role of self-sustained signal processing for self-organization in biological systems and open routes to applications using chemically driven colloids or microrobots.