ナノピラーを積層した表面は光と相互作用し、単一原子を捕捉、画像化、操作する新しい方法を提供する。 Nanopillar-studded surfaces interact with light to provide a new way to trap, image and manipulate single atoms.
2022-08-01 アメリカ国立標準技術研究所(NIST)
研究者らは本日『PRX Quantum』誌に発表した論文で、9個のルビジウム単原子を個別にトラップしたことを報告した。
- https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2022/08/nist-researchers-develop-miniature-lens-trapping-atoms
- https://journals.aps.org/prxquantum/abstract/10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.030316
メタサーフェスレンズ型光ピンセットにおける単一原子のトラッピング Single-Atom Trapping in a Metasurface-Lens Optical Tweezer
T.-W. Hsu, W. Zhu, T. Thiele, M. O. Brown, S. B. Papp, A. Agrawal, and C. A. Regal
PRX Quantum Published 1 August 2022
Optical metasurfaces of subwavelength pillars have provided new capabilities for the versatile definition of the amplitude, phase, and polarization of light. In this work, we demonstrate that an efficient dielectric metasurface lens can be used to trap and image single neutral atoms with a long working distance from the lens of 3 mm. We characterize the high-numerical-aperture optical tweezers using the trapped atoms and compare with numerical computations of the metasurface-lens performance. We predict that future metasurfaces for atom trapping will be able to leverage multiple ongoing developments in metasurface design and enable multifunctional control in complex quantum information experiments with neutral-atom arrays.