2022-07-26 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)
- https://actu.epfl.ch/news/the-physics-of-snow-slab-avalanches-similar-to-tha/
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41567-022-01662-4
雪崩におけるサブレイリー反き裂から超せん断き裂伝播への遷移 Transition from sub-Rayleigh anticrack to supershear crack propagation in snow avalanches
Bertil Trottet,Ron Simenhois,Gregoire Bobillier,Bastian Bergfeld,Alec van Herwijnen,Chenfanfu Jiang & Johan Gaume
Nature Physics Published:25 July 2022
Snow slab avalanches, characterized by a distinct, broad fracture line, are released following anticrack propagation in highly porous weak snow layers buried below cohesive slabs. The anticrack mechanism is driven by the volumetric collapse of the weak layer, which leads to the closure of crack faces and to the onset of frictional contact. Here, on the basis of snow fracture experiments, full-scale avalanche measurements and numerical simulations, we report the existence of a transition from sub-Rayleigh anticrack to supershear crack propagation. This transition follows the Burridge–Andrews mechanism, in which a supershear daughter crack nucleates ahead of the main fracture front and eventually propagates faster than the shear wave speed. Furthermore, we show that the supershear propagation regime can exist even if the shear-to-normal stress ratio is lower than the static friction coefficient as a result of the loss of frictional resistance during collapse. This finding shows that snow slab avalanches have fundamental similarities with strike-slip earthquakes.