6世紀の干ばつとイスラム教の台頭を結びつける新たな研究成果(New Research Links Sixth-century Droughts to the Rise of Islam)


2022-06-30 マサチューセッツ大学アマースト校

6世紀の干ばつとイスラム教の台頭を結びつける新たな研究成果(New Research Links Sixth-century Droughts to the Rise of Islam)
Cross section of one of the stalagmites that the team collected from Hoti cave, Oman.
Credit Fleitmann et al.



干ばつと社会変化。古代アラビア末期におけるイスラームの出現をめぐる環境的背景 Droughts and societal change: The environmental context for the emergence of Islam in late Antique Arabia

Dominik Fleitmann,John Haldon,Raymond S. Bradley ,Stephen J. Burns ,Hai Cheng,R. Lawrence Edwards,Christoph C. Raible,Matthew Jacobson,Albert Matte
Science  Published:16 Jun 2022
DOI:DOI: 10.1126/science.abg4044


In Arabia, the first half of the sixth century CE was marked by the demise of Himyar, the dominant power in Arabia until 525 CE. Important social and political changes followed, which promoted the disintegration of the major Arabian polities. Here, we present hydroclimate records from around Southern Arabia, including a new high-resolution stalagmite record from northern Oman. These records clearly indicate unprecedented droughts during the sixth century CE, with the most severe aridity persisting between ~500 and 530 CE. We suggest that such droughts undermined the resilience of Himyar and thereby contributed to the societal changes from which Islam emerged.
