電気自動車への充電を、ガソリンを入れるのと同じくらい速くする新技術(New technology to make charging electric cars as fast as pumping gas)


量子チャージにより電気自動車の充電時間が10時間から3分に短縮される Quantum charging will cut the charging time of electric vehicles from ten hours to three minutes

2022-03-21 大韓民国・基礎科学研究院(IBS)


Figure 1. A pictorial illustration of today’s electric vehicle versus the future vehicle based on quantum battery technologies. Employing quantum charging would lead to a 200 times speedup in a typical EV, which means that the charging time would be cut from 10 hours to about 3 minutes (at home), or 30 minutes to 9 seconds at a charging station.
図1. 現在の電気自動車と量子電池技術に基づく未来の自動車のイメージ図。量子充電を採用すると、一般的な電気自動車は200倍高速化され、充電時間は10時間から約3分(自宅)、充電ステーションでは30分から9秒に短縮される。


量子電池の優位性は、グローバル展開なくしては語れない Quantum Charging Advantage Cannot Be Extensive Without Global Operations

Juyeon Kim, Dario Rosa, Dominik Šafránek
[Submitted on 5 Aug 2021] https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2108.02491

Quantum batteries are devices made from quantum states, which store and release energy in a fast and efficient manner, thus offering numerous possibilities in future technological applications. They offer a significant charging speed up when compared to classical batteries, due to the possibility of using entangling charging operations. We show that the maximal speed up that can be achieved is extensive in the number of cells, thus offering at most quadratic scaling in the charging power over the classically achievable linear scaling. To reach such a scaling, a global charging protocol, charging all the cells collectively, needs to be employed. This concludes the quest on the limits of charging power of quantum batteries and adds to other results in which quantum methods are known to provide at most quadratic scaling over their classical counterparts.

