地震風洞で摩擦の法則を再定義 (Everything Flows: Refining the Laws of Friction in Caltech’s “Seismological Wind Tunnel”)


2025-03-13 カリフォルニア工科大学 (Caltech)

カリフォルニア工科大学(Caltech)の研究者たちは、地震の際に断層がどのように滑るかを再現するための「地震風洞」を開発し、摩擦の法則を再定義する研究を進めています。 この装置は、断層の滑りと摩擦熱の発生をシミュレートし、地震時の断層運動の理解を深めることを目的としています。研究者たちは、実験を通じて摩擦熱が断層の滑り挙動に与える影響を詳細に調査し、地震発生のメカニズム解明や予測モデルの精度向上に寄与することを期待しています。


静止しているように見える摩擦界面の滑走と修復 Sliding and healing of frictional interfaces that appear stationary

Krittanon Sirorattanakul,Stacy Larochelle,Vito Rubino,Nadia Lapusta & Ares J. Rosakis
Nature  Published:12 March 2025

地震風洞で摩擦の法則を再定義 (Everything Flows: Refining the Laws of Friction in Caltech’s “Seismological Wind Tunnel”)


Frictional interfaces are found in systems ranging from biological joints to earthquake faults. When and how these interfaces slide is a fundamental problem in geosciences and engineering. It is believed that there exists a threshold shear force, called static friction, below which the interface is stationary, despite many studies suggesting that this concept is outdated. By contrast, rate-and-state friction formulations predict that interfaces are always sliding, but this feature is often considered an artefact that calls for modifications. Here we show that nominally stationary interfaces subjected to constant shear and normal loads, with a driving force that is notably below the classically defined static friction for which creep is known to occur, are sliding, but with diminishingly small rates down to 10−12 m s−1. Our precise measurements directly at the interface are enabled by digital image correlation. This behaviour contradicts classical models of friction but confirms the prediction of rate-and-state friction. The diminishing slip rates of nominally stationary interfaces reflect interface healing, which would manifest itself in higher peak friction in subsequent slip events, such as earthquakes and landslides, substantially modifying their nucleation and propagation and hence their hazard.
