航空機の高度転換による飛行機雲の最小化(Minimising contrails through altitude diversions of aircraft)


2024-02-01 オランダ・デルフト工科大学(TUDelft)

この研究は、CNS/ATMグループのJunzi Sun博士と Prof.dr.ir Jacco Hoekstra氏と共同で実施されています。


高度転換による飛行機雲の最小化: グローバルデータを活用した実証研究 Contrail minimization through altitude diversions: A feasibility study leveraging global data

Esther Roosenbrand, Junzi Sun, Jacco Hoekstra
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives  Available online:3 November 2023

航空機の高度転換による飛行機雲の最小化(Minimising contrails through altitude diversions of aircraft)


•Global contrail formation assessed using OpenSky, Spire, and weather balloon data.
•Quantified altitude changes needed to prevent contrail formation.
•Strong geographical and seasonal influences on contrail-forming flights.
•Analysis addresses and refutes practicality concerns for altitude deviations.
•Half of altitude deviations safely possible within current aviation regulations.


As global flight volume rises, the aviation industry is facing increasing climate challenges. One major factor is the impact of contrails, which trap outgoing terrestrial radiation and counteract emission reduction benefits from emission-optimized flight routes. Our study quantifies contrail-forming flights globally and assesses altitude adjustments necessary to avoid these regions. Using the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive and global flight data from 2021-2022, we highlight several contrail-prone regions with high air traffic volumes and high potential for contrail-formation. We propose an operational strategy in altitude diversion, which can halve the amount of persistent contrails. Further, we analyse the additional carbon emissions caused by the altitude diversions and safety risks in terms of potential new conflicts. Our findings provide actionable strategies for policymakers to balance climate mitigation and operational challenges in aviation.
