人工知能:フェイクファクトの流れを食い止める(Artificial intelligence: stemming the tide of fake facts)


2023-11-20 ミュンヘン大学(LMU)

◆ミュンヘン大学のStefan Feuerriegel教授は、Nature Human Behavior誌でAIによるディスインフォメーションの危険性を指摘。AIはテキストや画像を簡単に生成し、それを個々の宗教や性別に合わせて利用者に送りつけ、怒りや憎しみを引き起こすことが可能。また、AI技術が進化する中、ディスインフォメーションを見抜くのが難しくなると述べ、信頼性のある情報源への依存やデジタルリテラシー向上、プラットフォームの責任追及が必要と主張。


Research can help to tackle AI-generated disinformation

Stefan Feuerriegel,Renée DiResta,Josh A. Goldstein,Srijan Kumar,Philipp Lorenz-Spreen,Michael Tomz & Nicolas Pröllochs
Nature Human Behaviour

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools have made it easy to create realistic disinformation that is hard to detect by humans and may undermine public trust. Some approaches used for assessing the reliability of online information may no longer work in the AI age. We offer suggestions for how research can help to tackle the threats of AI-generated disinformation.

In March 2023, images of former president Donald Trump ostensibly getting arrested circulated on social media. Former president Trump, however, did not get arrested in March. The images were fabricated using generative AI technology. Although the phenomenon of fabricated or altered content is not new, recent advances in generative AI technology have made it easy to produce fabricated content that is increasingly realistic, which makes it harder for people to distinguish what is real.
