氷床減少が氷河下水の急激な上昇を引き起こす可能性(Thinning Ice Sheets May Drive Sharp Rise in Subglacial Waters)


2023-08-21 ジョージア工科大学

◆「Science Advances」に発表された論文によれば、アメリカの研究者たちは、アンターシャの氷床の下に存在する地下水の流れを予測するための簡単な方程式を開発しました。


現代の氷床菲薄化は氷河流へのフィードバックの可能性を伴う氷河下の地下水滲出を促進する Contemporary ice sheet thinning drives subglacial groundwater exfiltration with potential feedbacks on glacier flow

Alexander A. Robel* ,Shi J. Sim ,Colin Meyer ,Matthew R. Siegfried , and Chloe D. Gustafson
Science Advances  Published:18 Aug 2023

氷床減少が氷河下水の急激な上昇を引き起こす可能性(Thinning Ice Sheets May Drive Sharp Rise in Subglacial Waters)


Observations indicate that groundwater-laden sedimentary aquifers are extensive beneath large portions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. A reduction in the mechanical loading of aquifers is known to lead to groundwater exfiltration, a discharge of groundwater from the aquifer. Here, we provide a simple expression predicting exfiltration rates under a thinning ice sheet. Using contemporary satellite altimetry observations, we predict that exfiltration rates may reach tens to hundreds of millimeters per year under the fastest thinning parts of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. In parts of West Antarctica, predicted rates of exfiltration would cause the total subglacial water discharge rate to be nearly double what is currently predicted from subglacial basal melting alone. Continued Antarctic Ice Sheet thinning into the future guarantees that the rate and potential importance of exfiltration will only continue to grow. Such an increase in warm, nutrient-laden subglacial water discharge would cause changes in ice sliding, melt of basal ice and marine biological communities.
