ソーラーパワージェルは、毎日の生活に必要な量のきれいな水をろ過します。(Solar-powered gel filters enough clean water to meet daily needs)


2023-02-08 プリンストン大学

◆このデバイスは、2021年に開発された第一世代の技術に比べて、約4倍のろ過率を実証しています。厚さ1cmの素材1平方メートルで、わずか10分で1ガロン以上の水を作ることができ、世界の多くの地域で日々の需要を満たすのに十分な量のきれいな水を提供できる可能性があります。この新しい太陽熱吸収ゲルの詳細は、2月8日付のACS Central Scienceに掲載されました。


太陽光発電による水質浄化のための速放性防汚ハイドロゲル Quick-Release Antifouling Hydrogels for Solar-Driven Water Purification

Xiaohui Xu, Néhémie Guillomaitre, Kofi S. S. Christie, R. Ko̅nane Bay, Navid Bizmark, Sujit S. Datta, Zhiyong Jason Ren and Rodney D. Priestley
ACS Central Science  Published:February 8, 2023


Hydrogels are promising soft materials for energy and environmental applications, including sustainable and off-grid water purification and harvesting. A current impediment to technology translation is the low water production rate well below daily human demand. To overcome this challenge, we designed a rapid-response, antifouling, loofah-inspired solar absorber gel (LSAG) capable of producing potable water from various contaminated sources at a rate of ∼26 kg m–2 h–1, which is sufficient to meet daily water demand. The LSAG─produced at room temperature via aqueous processing using an ethylene glycol (EG)–water mixture─uniquely integrates the attributes of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAm), polydopamine (PDA), and poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (PSBMA) to enable off-grid water purification with enhanced photothermal response and the capacity to prevent oil fouling and biofouling. The use of the EG–water mixture was critical to forming the loofah-like structure with enhanced water transport. Remarkably, under sunlight irradiations of 1 and 0.5 sun, the LSAG required only 10 and 20 min to release ∼70% of its stored liquid water, respectively. Equally important, we demonstrate the ability of LSAG to purify water from various harmful sources, including those containing small molecules, oils, metals, and microplastics.

