NRELの科学者たちは、太陽光発電(PV)をさらに環境に優しいものにする方法を探っています。(NREL Scientists Explore How To Make PV Even Greener)


2022-07-01 アメリカ国立再生可能エネルギー研究所(NREL)



テルル化カドミウムおよびシリコン太陽電池の製造に伴うエネルギーと炭素量 Embodied energy and carbon from the manufacture of cadmium telluride and silicon photovoltaics

Hope M. Wikoff,Samantha B. Reese,Matthew O. Reese
Joule  Published:June 30, 2022

NRELの科学者たちは、太陽光発電(PV)をさらに環境に優しいものにする方法を探っています。(NREL Scientists Explore How To Make PV Even Greener)


  • Present embodied energy, embodied carbon, and energy payback times of CdTe and Si PV
  • Examine the drivers for embodied energy/carbon for state-of-the-art Si and CdTe PV
  • Contextualize the cost of decarbonizing with Si versus CdTe PV and remaining carbon budget
  • Manufacturing location and thin-film PV can markedly reduce the carbon intensity of PV


Looking beyond the traditional cost and efficiency metrics of photovoltaics (PV), this work evaluates the impact of embodied energy, embodied carbon, and energy payback time of two dominant technologies (CdTe and Si) on global decarbonization goals. The relative effects of PV technology type, technological advances, energy grid mix, and recycling are evaluated in terms of fostering decarbonization goals. If the highest carbon-intensity scenarios are realized, 2%–14% of the remaining estimated global carbon budget might be consumed to manufacture modules without including their balance of systems. Applying a carbon cost indicates that CdTe might have an additional value of $0.02–$0.04/W relative to Si PV manufactured with the same energy mix. Due to the scale of the challenge, any actions leading to an increased deployment of thin-film PV and/or a significant decrease in the deployed PV’s embodied carbon through changing the manufacturing grid mix have demonstrable value in helping the world stay within its remaining estimated carbon budget.
