2025-03-24 中国科学院(CAS)
- https://english.cas.cn/newsroom/cas_media/202503/t20250325_908698.shtml
- https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/journals/advanced-photonics-nexus/volume-4/issue-02/026011/Compact-narrow-linewidth-solid-state-193-nm-pulsed-laser-source/10.1117/1.APN.4.2.026011.full
光パラメトリック増幅器とその渦ビーム生成を利用した小型狭線幅固体193nmパルスレーザー光源 Compact narrow-linewidth solid-state 193-nm pulsed laser source utilizing an optical parametric amplifier and its vortex beam generation
Zhitao Zhang, Xiaobo Heng, Junwu Wang, Sheng Chen, Xiaojie Wang, Chen Tong, Zheng Li, Hongwen Xuan
Advanced Photonics Nexus Published:9 March 2025
Deep ultraviolet coherent light, particularly at the wavelength of 193 nm, has become indispensable for semiconductor lithography. We present a compact solid-state nanosecond pulsed laser system capable of generating 193-nm coherent light at the repetition rate of 6 kHz. One part of the 1030-nm laser from the home-made Yb:YAG crystal amplifier is divided to generate 258 nm laser (1.2 W) by fourth-harmonic generation, and the rest is used to pump an optical parametric amplifier producing 1553 nm laser (700 mW). Frequency mixing of these beams in cascaded LiB3O5LiB3O5 crystals yields a 193-nm laser with 70-mW average power and a linewidth of less than 880 MHz. By introducing a spiral phase plate to the 1553-nm beam before frequency mixing, we generate a vortex beam carrying orbital angular momentum. This is, to our knowledge, the first demonstration of a 193-nm vortex beam generated from a solid-state laser. Such a beam could be valuable for seeding hybrid ArF excimer lasers and has potential applications in wafer processing and defect inspection.