アルゴンヌチーム、オーロラスーパーコンピューターを使用して暗黒エネルギーの可能性を探る (Argonne Team Uses Aurora Supercomputer to Investigate Potential Dark Energy Breakthrough)


2025-03-18 アルゴンヌ国立研究所



ディスカバリーシミュレーションによるダークエネルギーの物理学の解明 Illuminating the Physics of Dark Energy with the Discovery Simulations

Gillian D. Beltz-Mohrmann, Adrian Pope, Alex Alarcon, Michael Buehlmann, Nicholas Frontiere, Andrew P. Hearin, Katrin Heitmann, Sara Ortega-Martinez, Alan Pearl, Esteban Rangel, Thomas Uram, Enia Xhakaj
arXiv  Submitted on 7 Mar 2025

アルゴンヌチーム、オーロラスーパーコンピューターを使用して暗黒エネルギーの可能性を探る (Argonne Team Uses Aurora Supercomputer to Investigate Potential Dark Energy Breakthrough)


In this paper, we present the Discovery simulations: a new pair of high-resolution N-body simulations motivated by the DESI Y1 BAO cosmological constraints on dark energy. The Discovery simulations were run with identical initial conditions, and differ only in their cosmological parameters. The first simulation is based on a flat ΛCDM cosmology, while the second is based on a w0waCDM cosmology, with particular parameter values chosen based on the DESI analysis which includes constraints from BAO with CMB priors. Both simulations evolve 67203 particles in a box with a side length of Lbox=1.5 Gpc, leading to a mass resolution of ∼4×108 M in each simulation. In this work we demonstrate the impact of the w0waCDM cosmology on the matter power spectrum, halo mass function, and halo mass accretion rate. We also populate halos with galaxies using a novel forward model for in-situ star formation, and examine the way in which changes to cosmology manifest as changes in star formation history. The Discovery simulations provide a testbed for alternative cosmological probes that may offer additional constraining power beyond BAO, such as higher-order summary statistics and observables in the nonlinear regime. Halo catalogs from the Discovery simulations are publicly available and can be downloaded from the HACC Simulation Data Portal.
