2025-02-20 ロスアラモス国立研究所(LANL)
- https://www.lanl.gov/media/news/0213-materials-under-stress
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-73926-3
銅の変形誘起組織進化における合金効果 Alloying effects on deformation induced microstructure evolution in copper
Reeju Pokharel,Tongjun Niu,Sara Ricci,Bjørn Clausen,Levente Balogh,Lucas Ravkov,Ramon Martinez,Chanho Lee,Sven Vogel,Carl M. Cady,Michael A. Torrez,Benjamin K. Derby,Jonathan G. Gigax,Nicola Bonora,Nan Li & Saryu J. Fensin
Scientific Reports Published:13 October 2024
In this work, we investigated the effects of alloying elements on plastic deformation and microstructure evolution in polycrystalline copper (Cu) and Cu alloyed with 1 wt.% lead (Cu-1%Pb). These materials were selected due to the size mismatch between Cu and Pb, with the latter forming precipitates at grain boundaries. Multi-modal characterization techniques, including neutron diffraction, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), along with finite element simulations were employed to study the deformation behavior across multiple length scales. While both Cu and Cu-1%Pb exhibited similar macroscale response and final deformation textures, both dislocation line profile analysis and TEM revealed increased dislocation density in deformed Cu-1%Pb specimens. The presence of lead precipitates also significantly affected local plastic deformation during compression, with their influence diminishing with increasing strain. These results demonstrate the complex relationships between alloying elements, plastic deformation, microstructural evolution, and material behavior under load. The insights gained from this multi-scale and multi-technique approach contribute to the fundamental understanding of microstructural evolution in immiscible alloys and are valuable for tailoring the properties of structural materials for specific engineering applications.