ホログラム技術で3Dプリンティングの効率と解像度を向上 (Holograms boost 3D printing efficiency and resolution)


2025-02-17 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校 (EPFL)



ホログラフィック断層体積造形法 Holographic tomographic volumetric additive manufacturing

Maria Isabel Álvarez-Castaño,Andreas Gejl Madsen,Jorge Madrid-Wolff,Viola Sgarminato,Antoine Boniface,Jesper Glückstad & Christophe Moser
Nature Communications  Published:11 February 2025

ホログラム技術で3Dプリンティングの効率と解像度を向上 (Holograms boost 3D printing efficiency and resolution)


Several 3D light-based printing technologies have been developed that rely on the photopolymerization of liquid resins. A recent method, so-called Tomographic Volumetric Additive Manufacturing, allows the fabrication of microscale objects within tens of seconds without the need for support structures. This method works by projecting intensity patterns, computed via a reverse tomography algorithm, into a photocurable resin from different angles to produce a desired 3D shape when the resin reaches the polymerization threshold. Printing using incoherent light patterning has been previously demonstrated. In this work, we show that a light engine with holographic phase modulation unlocks new potential for volumetric printing. The light projection efficiency is improved by at least a factor 20 over amplitude coding with diffraction-limited resolution and its flexibility allows precise light control across the entire printing volume. We show that computer-generated holograms implemented with tiled holograms and point-spread-function shaping mitigates the speckle noise which enables the fabrication of millimetric 3D objects exhibiting negative features of 31 μm in less than a minute with a 40 mW light source in acrylates and scattering materials, such as soft cell-laden hydrogels, with a concentration of 0.5 million cells per mL.
