重力波検出技術の向上に貢献する新技術 (New technology enhances gravitational-wave detection)


2025-02-14 カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校 (UCR)

New adaptive optical devices

カリフォルニア大学リバーサイド校の物理学者ジョナサン・リチャードソン率いる研究チームは、重力波観測所の検出能力を向上させる新しい光学技術を開発しました。この技術は、LIGO(レーザー干渉計重力波観測所)の40キログラムの主鏡が高出力レーザーによる加熱で生じる歪みを補正する低ノイズ・高解像度の適応光学システムです。これにより、LIGOや将来の観測所であるCosmic Explorerが、現在のLIGOの能力を超える1メガワット以上のレーザー出力を達成し、宇宙初期の重力波を検出することが可能になります。この研究成果は、2025年2月にPhysical Review Letters誌に掲載されました。


量子限界重力波検出ホライゾンの拡大 Expanding the Quantum-Limited Gravitational-Wave Detection Horizon

Liu Tao, Mohak Bhattacharya, Peter Carney, Luis Martin Gutierrez, Luke Johnson, Shane Levin, Cynthia Liang, Xuesi Ma, Michael Padilla et al.
Physical Review Letters  Published 5 February, 2025


We demonstrate the potential of new adaptive optical technology to expand the detection horizon of gravitational-wave observatories. Achieving greater quantum-noise-limited sensitivity to spacetime strain hinges on achieving higher circulating laser power, in excess of 1 MW, in conjunction with highly squeezed quantum states of light. The new technology will enable significantly higher levels of laser power and squeezing in gravitational-wave detectors, by providing high-precision, low-noise correction of limiting sources of thermal distortions directly to the core interferometer optics. In simulated projections for LIGO A+, assuming an input laser power of 125 W and an effective injected squeezing level of 9 dB entering the interferometer, an initial concept of this technology can reduce the noise floor of the detectors by up to 20% from 200 Hz to 5 kHz, corresponding to an increment of 4 Mpc in the sky-averaged detection range for binary neutron star mergers. This work lays the foundation for one of the key technology improvements essential to fully utilize the scientific potential of the existing 4-km LIGO facilities, to observe black hole merger events past a redshift of 5, and opens a realistic pathway towards a next-generation 40-km gravitational-wave observatory in the U.S., Cosmic Explorer.
