アッシュの木の多様性は、カブトムシ壊滅後の回復の道を提供するかもしれない(Ash tree variability may offer restoration path post-beetle decimation)


2025-01-08 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)

EABは北米のアッシュ(トネリコ)属の木々に壊滅的な被害をもたらしており、オレゴンアッシュもその例外ではありません。Penn StateのLouis W. Schatz Center for Tree Molecular Geneticsの研究者たちは、カリフォルニアからブリティッシュコロンビアに至る61の異なるオレゴンアッシュの個体群から1,000以上のサンプルを収集し、ゲノム解析を行いました。その結果、地域ごとに遺伝的変異が存在し、特に種の長期的な生存には遺伝的多様性の保全が重要であることが示されました。この知見は、EABや気候変動に耐性を持つアッシュの育種プログラムの開発に役立つと期待されています。


フラキシナス・ラティフォリア(オレゴントネリコ)のゲノミクス主導型モニタリングによる保全とEAB抵抗性育種への情報提供 Genomics-Driven Monitoring of Fraxinus latifolia (Oregon Ash) to Inform Conservation and EAB-Resistance Breeding

Anthony E. Melton, Trevor M. Faske, Richard A. Sniezko, Tim Thibault, Wyatt Williams, Thomas Parchman, Jill A. Hamilton

Molecular Ecology  Published: 06 January 2025


アッシュの木の多様性は、カブトムシ壊滅後の回復の道を提供するかもしれない(Ash tree variability may offer restoration path post-beetle decimation)


Understanding the evolutionary processes underlying range-wide genomic variation is critical to designing effective conservation and restoration strategies. Evaluating the influence of connectivity, demographic change and environmental adaptation for threatened species can be invaluable to proactive conservation of evolutionary potential. In this study, we assessed genomic variation across the range of Fraxinus latifolia, a foundational riparian tree native to western North America recently exposed to the invasive emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis; EAB). Over 1000 individuals from 61 populations were sequenced using reduced representation (ddRAD-seq) across the species’ range. Strong population structure was evident along a latitudinal gradient, with population connectivity largely maintained along central valley river systems, and a centre of genetic diversity coinciding with major river systems central to the species’ range. Despite evidence of connectivity, estimates of nucleotide diversity and effective population size were low across all populations, suggesting the patchy distribution of F. latifolia populations may impact its long-term evolutionary potential. Range-wide estimates of genomic offset, which indicate genomic change required to adjust to future climate projections, were greatest in the eastern and lowest in the southern portions of the species’ range, suggesting the regional distribution of genomic variation may impact evolutionary potential longer-term. To preserve evolutionary capacity across populations needed for the development of breeding and restoration programmes, prioritising conservation of range-wide genomic diversity will provide a foundation for long-term species management.
