固相製造で金属スクラップを高価値合金にアップサイクル(Metal Scrap Upcycled into High-Value Alloys with Solid Phase Manufacturing)


2024-12-12 パシフィック・ノースウェスト国立研究所(PNNL)



固相合金化によりスクラップから高強度アルミニウム合金をアップサイクル Upcycled high-strength aluminum alloys from scrap through solid-phase alloying

Tianhao Wang,Xiao Li,Zehao Li,Tingkun Liu,Xiang Wang,Arun Devaraj,Cindy A. Powell & Jorge F. dos Santos
Nature Communications  Published:10 December 2024

固相製造で金属スクラップを高価値合金にアップサイクル(Metal Scrap Upcycled into High-Value Alloys with Solid Phase Manufacturing)


Although recycling secondary aluminum can lead to energy consumption reduction compared to primary aluminum manufacturing, products produced by traditional melt-based recycling processes are inherently limited in terms of alloy composition and microstructure, and thus final properties. To overcome the constraints associated with melting, we have developed a solid-phase recycling and simultaneous alloying method. This innovative process enables the alloying of 6063 aluminum scrap with copper, zinc, and magnesium to form a nanocluster-strengthened high-performance aluminum alloy with a composition and properties akin to 7075 aluminum alloy. The unique nanostructure with a high density of Guinier-Preston zones and uniformly precipitated nanoscale η‘/Mg(CuZn)2 strengthening phases enhances both yield and ultimate tensile strength by >200%. By delivering high-performance products from scrap that are not just recycled but upcycled, this scalable manufacturing approach provides a model for metal reuse, with the option for on-demand upcycling of a variety of metallic materials from scrap sources.
