量子コンピューターへの大きなハードルが取り除かれる可能性(Breakthrough may clear major hurdle for quantum computers)


2024-06-18 チャルマース工科大学



ボソニックモードの普遍的な制御を、駆動型ネイティブ立体相互作用で実現 Universal control of a bosonic mode via drive-activated native cubic interactions

Axel M. Eriksson,Théo Sépulcre,Mikael Kervinen,Timo Hillmann,Marina Kudra,Simon Dupouy,Yong Lu,Maryam Khanahmadi,Jiaying Yang,Claudia Castillo-Moreno,Per Delsing & Simone Gasparinetti
Nature Gommunications  Published:21 March 2024

量子コンピューターへの大きなハードルが取り除かれる可能性(Breakthrough may clear major hurdle for quantum computers)


Linear bosonic modes offer a hardware-efficient alternative for quantum information processing but require access to some nonlinearity for universal control. The lack of nonlinearity in photonics has led to encoded measurement-based quantum computing, which relies on linear operations but requires access to resourceful (’nonlinear’) quantum states, such as cubic phase states. In contrast, superconducting microwave circuits offer engineerable nonlinearities but suffer from static Kerr nonlinearity. Here, we demonstrate universal control of a bosonic mode composed of a superconducting nonlinear asymmetric inductive element (SNAIL) resonator, enabled by native nonlinearities in the SNAIL element. We suppress static nonlinearities by operating the SNAIL in the vicinity of its Kerr-free point and dynamically activate nonlinearities up to third order by fast flux pulses. We experimentally realize a universal set of generalized squeezing operations, as well as the cubic phase gate, and exploit them to deterministically prepare a cubic phase state in 60 ns. Our results initiate the experimental field of polynomial quantum computing, in the continuous-variables notion originally introduced by Lloyd and Braunstein.
