下水処理場下流のムール貝にラジウムが含まれているとの研究報告(Mussels downstream of wastewater treatment plant contain radium, study reports)


2024-05-31 ペンシルベニア州立大学(PennState)



石油・ガス生産水の放射能が淡水ムール貝に蓄積 Radioactivity from oil and gas produced water accumulated in freshwater mussels

Katharina Pankratz, Nathaniel R. Warner
Science of The Total Environment  Available online: 2 April 2024


  • Discharge of oil and gas produced water (OGPW) led to increased radium in mussels.
  • Shell & tissue metal/Ca, 87Sr/86Sr, and 228Ra/226Ra indicate areas impacted by OGPW.
  • Elemental & isotopic signatures persist in mussels years after discharges ceased.


Legacy disposal of oil and gas produced water (OGPW) to surface water has led to radium contamination in streambed sediment creating a long-term radium source. Increased radium activities pose a potential health hazard to benthic organisms, such as freshwater mussels, as radium is capable of bioaccumulation. This project quantifies the impact of OGPW disposal on adult freshwater mussels, Eurynia dilatata, which were examined along the Allegheny River adjacent to a centralized waste treatment facility (CWT) that historically treated and then discharged OGPW. Radium isotopes (226Ra and 228Ra) were measured in streambed sediment, mussel soft tissue, and mussel hard shell collected upstream, at the outfall, 0.5 km downstream, and 5 km downstream of the CWT. Total radium activity was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in mussel tissue (mean = 3.44 ± 0.95 pCi/g), sediment (mean = 1.45 ± 0.19 pCi/g), and hard shell (mean = 0.34 ± 0.11 pCi/g) samples 0.5 km downstream than background samples collected upstream (mean = 1.27 ± 0.24; 0.91 ± 0.09; 0.10 ± 0.02 pCi/g respectively). Mussel shells displayed increased 226Ra activities up to 5 km downstream of the original discharge. Downstream soft tissue and hard shell 87Sr/86Sr ratios, as well as hard shell metal/calcium (e.g., Na/Ca; K/Ca; Mg/Ca) and 228Ra/226Ra ratios demonstrated trends towards values characteristic of Marcellus OGPW. Combined, this study demonstrates multiple lines of evidence for radium retention and bioaccumulation in freshwater mussels resulting from exposure to Marcellus OGPW.

Graphical abstract

下水処理場下流のムール貝にラジウムが含まれているとの研究報告(Mussels downstream of wastewater treatment plant contain radium, study reports)
