化学合成におけるAIの飛躍(An AI leap into chemical synthesis)


20024-05-21 スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)

EPFLのPhilippe Schwallerの研究チームは、化学研究の自動化を革新するAI「ChemCrow」を開発しました。ChemCrowは、GPT-4などの大規模言語モデルにLangChainを組み合わせ、18の専門ツールを統合しています。これにより、化学合成タスクを効率的に計画・実行し、虫除け剤や新しいクロモフォアの発見などを支援します。ChemCrowはユーザーからの指示を受け、適切なツールを選択し、各ステップの結果に基づいて戦略を調整します。このアプローチにより、専門知識を持たない人々でも高度な化学知識にアクセスできるようになり、研究開発の加速が期待されます。


大規模言語モデルを化学ツールで補強 Augmenting large language models with chemistry tools

Andres M. Bran,Sam Cox,Oliver Schilter,Carlo Baldassari,Andrew D. White & Philippe Schwaller
Nature Machine Intelligence  Published:08 May 2024

化学合成におけるAIの飛躍(An AI leap into chemical synthesis)


Large language models (LLMs) have shown strong performance in tasks across domains but struggle with chemistry-related problems. These models also lack access to external knowledge sources, limiting their usefulness in scientific applications. We introduce ChemCrow, an LLM chemistry agent designed to accomplish tasks across organic synthesis, drug discovery and materials design. By integrating 18 expert-designed tools and using GPT-4 as the LLM, ChemCrow augments the LLM performance in chemistry, and new capabilities emerge. Our agent autonomously planned and executed the syntheses of an insect repellent and three organocatalysts and guided the discovery of a novel chromophore. Our evaluation, including both LLM and expert assessments, demonstrates ChemCrow’s effectiveness in automating a diverse set of chemical tasks. Our work not only aids expert chemists and lowers barriers for non-experts but also fosters scientific advancement by bridging the gap between experimental and computational chemistry.
