クラウドエンジニアリングが地球温暖化の「鎮痛剤」になる可能性(Cloud engineering could be more effective ‘painkiller’ for global warming than previously thought)


2024-04-10 バーミンガム大学

バーミンガム大学の研究によると、マリン・クラウド・ブライトニング(Marine Cloud Brightning:MCB)は、雲量を増やすことで冷却効果をもたらすことが分かった。これまでのモデルは、エアロゾル注入が雲に明るさをもたらし、それによって宇宙に反射される太陽光の量を増やすことに焦点を当ててきた。実験ではハワイのキラウエア火山のエアロゾルを利用し、火山活動時に雲量が増えることが確認された。MCBは、地球温暖化の一時的な対策として注目されているが、そのメカニズムやリスクはまだ十分に理解されていない。


エアロゾルによる熱帯海域の雲量増加による大幅な冷却効果 Substantial cooling effect from aerosol-induced increase in tropical marine cloud cover

Ying Chen,Jim Haywood,Yu Wang,Florent Malavelle,George Jordan,Amy Peace,Daniel G. Partridge,Nayeong Cho,Lazaros Oreopoulos,Daniel Grosvenor,Paul Field,Richard P. Allan & Ulrike Lohmann
Nature Geoscience  Published:11 April 2024

クラウドエンジニアリングが地球温暖化の「鎮痛剤」になる可能性(Cloud engineering could be more effective ‘painkiller’ for global warming than previously thought)


With global warming currently standing at approximately +1.2 °C since pre-industrial times, climate change is a pressing global issue. Marine cloud brightening is one proposed method to tackle warming through injecting aerosols into marine clouds to enhance their reflectivity and thereby planetary albedo. However, because it is unclear how aerosols influence clouds, especially cloud cover, both climate projections and the effectiveness of marine cloud brightening remain uncertain. Here we use satellite observations of volcanic eruptions in Hawaii to quantify the aerosol fingerprint on tropical marine clouds. We observe a large enhancement in reflected sunlight, mainly due to an aerosol-induced increase in cloud cover. This observed strong negative aerosol forcing suggests that the current level of global warming is driven by a weaker net radiative forcing than previously thought, arising from the competing effects of greenhouse gases and aerosols. This implies a greater sensitivity of Earth’s climate to radiative forcing and therefore a larger warming response to both rising greenhouse gas concentrations and reductions in atmospheric aerosols due to air quality measures. However, our findings also indicate that mitigation of global warming via marine cloud brightening is plausible and is most effective in humid and stable conditions in the tropics where solar radiation is strong.
