世界の水源から飲料水ガイドラインを超えるPFAS「永遠の化学物質」が検出される(PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ above drinking water guidelines in global source water)


2024-04-08 ニューサウスウェールズ大学(UNSW)

PFAS(Per-およびPoly-Fluoroalkyl Substances)は、1950年代以来、熱、水、グリース、シミに抵抗するさまざまな用途で人気があり、一度環境や私たちの体内に存在すると分解されない「永遠の化学物質」として知られています。これらは一部の癌を含む環境と健康問題に関連しており、地球上の水資源でのPFAS汚染が想定よりも高い可能性があることが、Nature Geoscienceで発表されたUNSW主導の国際的な研究で明らかになりました。これにより、PFASに関するさらなる研究が必要であり、製品の使用時に注意が必要であることが強調されています。


世界の地表水と地下水におけるパーフルオロアルキル物質とポリフルオロアルキル物質の過小評価 Underestimated burden of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in global surface waters and groundwaters

Diana Ackerman Grunfeld,Daniel Gilbert,Jennifer Hou,Adele M. Jones,Matthew J. Lee,Tohren C. G. Kibbey & Denis M. O’Carroll
Nature Geoscience  Published:08 April 2024

世界の水源から飲料水ガイドラインを超えるPFAS「永遠の化学物質」が検出される(PFAS ‘forever chemicals’ above drinking water guidelines in global source water)


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a class of fluorinated chemicals used widely in consumer and industrial products. Their human toxicity and ecosystem impacts have received extensive public, scientific and regulatory attention. Regulatory PFAS guidance is rapidly evolving, with the inclusion of a wider range of PFAS included in advisories and a continued decrease in what is deemed safe PFAS concentrations. In this study we collated PFAS concentration data for over 45,000 surface and groundwater samples from around the world to assess the global extent of PFAS contamination and their potential future environmental burden. Here we show that a substantial fraction of sampled waters exceeds PFAS drinking water guidance values, with the extent of exceedance depending on the jurisdiction and PFAS source. Additionally, current monitoring practices probably underestimate PFAS in the environment given the limited suite of PFAS that are typically quantified but deemed of regulatory concern. An improved understanding of the range of PFAS embodied in consumer and industrial products is required to assess the environmental burden and develop mitigation measures. While PFAS is the focus of this study, it also highlights society’s need to better understand the use, fate and impacts of anthropogenic chemicals.
