メタレンズと星の出会い:全面ガラス製の大型メタレンズで太陽、月、星雲を撮影(The metalens meets the stars:Large, all-glass metalens images sun, moon and nebulae)


2024-01-17 ハーバード大学



直径100mmのオールガラス製可視メタレンズで宇宙をイメージング All-Glass 100 mm Diameter Visible Metalens for Imaging the Cosmos

Joon-Suh Park, Soon Wei Daniel Lim, Arman Amirzhan, Hyukmo Kang, Karlene Karrfalt, Daewook Kim, Joel Leger, Augustine Urbas, Marcus Ossiander, Zhaoyi Li, and Federico Capasso
ACS Nano  Published:January 17, 2024


メタレンズと星の出会い:全面ガラス製の大型メタレンズで太陽、月、星雲を撮影(The metalens meets the stars:Large, all-glass metalens images sun, moon and nebulae)

Metasurfaces, optics made from subwavelength-scale nanostructures, have been limited to millimeter-sizes by the scaling challenge of producing vast numbers of precisely engineered elements over a large area. In this study, we demonstrate an all-glass 100 mm diameter metasurface lens (metalens) comprising 18.7 billion nanostructures that operates in the visible spectrum with a fast f-number (f/1.5, NA = 0.32) using deep-ultraviolet (DUV) projection lithography. Our work overcomes the exposure area constraints of lithography tools and demonstrates that large metasurfaces are commercially feasible. Additionally, we investigate the impact of various fabrication errors on the imaging quality of the metalens, several of which are specific to such large area metasurfaces. We demonstrate direct astronomical imaging of the Sun, the Moon, and emission nebulae at visible wavelengths and validate the robustness of such metasurfaces under extreme environmental thermal swings for space applications.
